An irreverent and refreshing take on the queer world of sex, lust and unrequited love. Lanky, blue haired Jackson, record store employee and poet, is in love with most of the men in his life! There?s Billy, who he met at a... more »n orgy, Jed, his cousin, Derek, a customer at the shop, and Sam, his boss and best friend! A refreshing departure from the typical gay love story, LUSTER is a raw and darkly comic look at young punks in love. Limited Theatrical release.« less
"I knew this was going to be a "cool" flick from the opening credits that just list the first names of the cast and crew, but it isn't without its flaws as well. Namely some campy acting, a customer in a record store squealing for Madonna, to numerous subplots that tend to bring down the film as well as audio that tends to be muffled in spots. But overall the more it went on the more I accepted and enjoyed these vagabonds and the flaws found within.
The story centers around a punky, skateboard, party goer, poet, named Jackson (Justin Herwick), who works at a record shop called, how appropriate, "No Life". After waking up from the aftermath of an orgy he inquires about a boy who was there, Billy (Jonah Blechman) with whom he develops an infatuation for and decides to track down. Who wouldn't! He's a cutey but he he too has some flaws. Needless to say Billy is the boy toy of a record mogel played by Willie Garson (Sarah Jessica Parker's gay friend Stanford on Sex and the City) who gets off on getting beat up. It does get a bit ugly and some people might not like the S&M. Throw in Jackson's hunky cousin Jed(Barry Wyatt), a clean cut collegiate type customer at the store (Sean Thibodeau) who's in love with Jackson, a lesbian friend named Alyssa (Pamela Gidley) who screws around with Jed and is later found out by her lover, and you get a smorgasboard of a soap opera. The one character I really wish had been more developed and with whom I felt something towards was Jackson's supposedly straight boss and friend at the record shop, Sam (Shane Powers). He gives a real emotional performance at the end and his story only scratched the surface. The other performances are hit and miss. Sometimes they're great and then at other times it seems campy and silly. It's a real mixed bag along with the storylines. Take it for what it's worth though and you'll have fun with these characters, their loves, lusts, and losses. The DVD is stereo and the transfer is a bit grainy but it only adds to the seediness of the tale. I didn't expect much more from a low budget "indie" and it also includes a short documentary with the director and a film commentary and trailers for other TLA releases.Note: plenty of full frontal nudity
From TLA Releasing"
Good Times!
tamiii | 12/11/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie might actually make you cooler just by watching it. It's 1996 Los Angeles in a way you've never seen it, but is much more accurate than either the gay gay films ("Jeffrey") or the gritty punky angry urban ones - it falls in between the two. And the soundtrack is fantastic, really really really good. It's worth it just for the soundtrack."
Rough Entertainment
(3 out of 5 stars)
"From the looks of it, this was shot in 16mm, but the graininess and grittiness work just fine with the script. The characters are fleshed-out for the most part and the acting and direction are satisfying. The script is often a bit silly, and these 20-somethings seem to have suffered an arrest of emotional development somewhere around the age of 13, although on some level, most are endearing in a twisted way and you really find yourself liking most of them. There's a bit of gratuitous violence, nudity, substance abuse, sex - the usual stuff - but the pace never flags. Some of the situations are pretty much beyond the pale, but employing a little suspension of disbelief, the viewer will probably find him/herself enjoying the ride.I'd suggest renting this one before purchasing it."
Thank you Dennis Cooper
tamiii | San Juan Capistrano, Ca. United States | 12/30/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I love the spoken word--and there are some beautiful ones said here (and mostly well-delivered). From the opening scene, we know just where this film is going, each turn foreshadowed without being ominous or heavy-handed. So we empathize with the characters as they stumble forward, having the advantage of knowing where they are heading which gives this movie a kind of warm predictable feeling despite the many seemingly insatiable appetites. If nothing else, watch and listen for the poetry--its good and definitely worth a listen."
Good concept, bad production
T. Hulse | 02/27/2004
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I thought the idea behind the film and the undertones where good if not great. The acting was questionable at best and the production quality was poor. I wish I could say more possitive things about this film but I honestly can not. Poor investment."