Its a American Grindhouse double bill! Both for the first time digitally remastered from the original vault elements! — First up, LURKERS! From cult director Roberta Findlay (SNUFF) comes a psychological thriller about a be... more »autiful, young New York cellist, whose demonic childhood nightmares have returned, plunging her into a horrific series of events that threaten her success, her sanity...and her life. Now see the horror from a brand new 16x9 master from the original IP first time anywhere!
Next up, DIE SISTER DIE!. A man (Jack Ging-SSSSSSS) hires a nurse (Antoinette Bower - PROM NIGHT) to care for his ailing but nasty and shrewish sister. What he really intends to do, however, is to convince the nurse to join him in a plot to kill her! Watch this film in its fist official/authorized DVD release, from a brand new master from the original negatives, first time anywhere!« less