Half-naked Kristen Dunst in a Vegas Romp? Why Not?
killthedot | the land of Oz | 07/24/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This moive was the biggest piece of trash and I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF ITI loved it in that guilty pleasure sort of way... in that 2 AM in the morning and you're looking for an excuse to stay awake kind of way... hoping against hope that Kirsten will finally take off her clothes, glory in her newfound abilities with the pole and dump her ... boyfriend.I am disappointed to report, none of these things happenHowever, Luis Guzman kicks some [butt]. A surly Robert Miano (Donnie Brasco) nails the [heck] out of some MAXIM covergirl. Kirsten does make a pretty decent stripper.On the other hand, the direction in this movie is awful. The writer, Brenden Beseth, stumbles between Bukowski and illiteracy. The [person] who plays the lead should never be allowed to act (yeah right) again.However, I liked the movie. So many films are unintentionally terrible, that this film is almost satisfying. It's not trying to elevate above the shoddy source material. It's not pretending to be anything that it's not...Luckytwn is just A BLOODY VEGAS ROMP. A little film outclassed by its heavyweight movie stars...a guilty pleasure to say the least...."
Worth the Rental
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This film was actually pretty good. It jumped a little and at times could apear to be two different movies but it pulled it off to where it didn't hurt the film. Vincent Kartheiser is the best thing about the film he gives a great performance as usual. Kirsten Dunst makes her character of Lidda a little less interesting than she could have been. And the meeting between her and her long lost father played by James Caan is somewhat dissapointing. But all in all it was a decent film and the best part of the story is the relationship between the characters played by Dunst and Kartheiser watching the relationship change is probably what makes this movie worth the rent."
Perfect example of why movies go straight to DVD
Jonathan Appleseed | 01/24/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"There were two decent things about this film: Luiz Guzman, who is always reliable; and Vincent Kartheiser, who I feel is (as of yet, I hope) overlooked as a decent actor.
The rest of it was exruciating. If I hadn't been sick in bed with nothing better to do, I would have stopped watching it at the beginning scene. While watching Colonel (Kartheiser) and Lidda (Dunst) get together at the convenient store I thought of at least three more plausible scenarios where they could have hooked up. Lidda didn't need to put on that crazy act of kissing him, which was completely out of character when you consider her throughout the entire film. Their "budding relationship" was painful to watch, as the dialogue in the car, prior to reaching Las Vegas, seemed to be scratched out of notes from a fourth grader's scream of consciousness excercise. Actually, that might be too flattering.
The situations were implausible, the segues weren't segues - they were gigantic craters that forced the viewer to make enormous mental leaps to hop from one scene to the next. What in the world was Kirsten Dunst thinking? I can understand Kartheiser, as he's still working his way up, but I can't understand why Dunst picked this script. Perhaps the executives sent special goggles to the actors so that when they read the script the words were somehow rearranged on the page to reflect something entirely different. Maybe they thought they were reading a sequel to Leaving Las Vegas. Who knows.
This was a sensational waste of time. Unless you're a fan of Kartheiser, avoid it. If you're a fan of Dunst, you'll be disgusted. Her acting was atrocious."