Minoru Shiraishi here! The season of summer starts for the girls of Lucky Star and with it comes those staple images of vacation like gold fish scooping at outdoor festivals while wearing a yukata, Smashing watermelons on ... more »the beach in swim suits, and that homework due when vacations over that I completely forgot about! Ms. Kuroi s going to kill me if I don t get that done! Knowing Konata she has probably spent the whole vacation playing online games and won t get her work done till she s copied it from Kagami. I wonder if she d let me copy too, probably not since I don t know her that well. I really need to make some smarter friends,What? I m getting off track? Sorry. Please watch us! Limited Edition includes Konata school Swimsuit T shirt, and lucky star Ending theme Collection CD.« less
"This is my first review in Amazon, so I'm going to try to be as thorough and clear as possible. Instead of reviewing the show, I'm going to review the package, because let's face it, if you're thinking about buying this, you've already made your mind up about the show, and are just thinking if it's worth it to buy the Limited Edition.
Well, that's what I'm here for. I pre-ordered this item and I received it on July 1.
This, like the other collaborative releases by Bandai Entertainment and Kadokawa Pictures USA, is a superb package. These people really know their fan-base; what they desire. The set comes in a cardboard box, that temporarily holds the DVDs (and bonus items) for easy shipping. I use the term "temporarily" very loosely. Very likely, you won't get rid of that box, because of the art that adorns it.
The DVD case itself, like the Vol. 1 case, comes in a basic white color, made to look like notebook paper. This time with a very basic drawing of Tsukasa in a Shrine Maid outfit. This, like the volume before and the volumes to follow, is Konata's drawing, and it suits the case wonderfully. The contents of the DVD is the basic fare: Dolby Digital Audio in both Japanese and English; full subtitles and/or sign subtitles. The extras are a bit weak, however, with only the Key Scenes gallery, and a couple (I think three) episodes of "The Adventures of Minoru Shiraishi" (of which, by the way, I've never seen a single episode).
Of course, the above (except for the "temporary box") is included in the standard edition, so it's time to get into the bonus items not included anywhere else.
Sadly, there's one less extra here than in the Vol. 1 LE. If you remember, Vol. 1 had the Chocolate Coronet monitor wipe. It would have been nice if this included something similar. Breaking it down, we have:
Vol. 1:
1. Konata Character CD
2. Opening Music CD (doesn't count for the comparison)
3. Box for the entire set (doesn't count for the comparison)
4. Uniform-print shirt
5. Choco Coronet monitor wipe
Vol. 2:
1. Kagami Character CD
2. Bathing suit-print shirt
As you can see, Vol. 2 doesn't have an equivalent for the monitor wipe. Really. Not even a small plushie to hang on one's cellular phone.
However, what it does include is simply fantastic. The Kagami CD really brings a new light about Kagami that I hadn't completely realized until I heard it. It features five tracks. The first two are songs, as performed by Kagami; the last two are the instrumental versions of the songs; and the third track is Kagami... talking. Sadly, I don't understand Japanese, so I don't know what she's saying.
The shirt is also a very comfortable shirt. It's of good quality, or at least it certainly feels like it is. Some fans, especially the male ones, may feel a bit weird wearing it, though. I, on the other hand, quite enjoyed wearing the shirts (both this and the uniform-print one), they're simply too comfortable.
So my final word: Very highly recommended for anyone who wants to buy Vol. 2. For the price, it's a steal in and of itself. If you're a Lucky Star fan, don't get caught without this package!"
Simple... yet elagent
J. A. Skowron | 07/02/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If I was going to describe Lucky Star in one sentence to someone with no previous knowledge of anime, I'd say it's as if the shows Seinfeld and Best Week Ever had a love child, and in there shame sent it off to Japan to be raised by the maker of Azumanga Daioh. Thankfully, I can make use of more than a single sentence.
Lucky Star follows the lives of four teenage girls with various personalities as they go through there daily lives as japanese high school students. Coming from traditional four panel comic strips (yonkoma) like the above mentioned Azumanga, there's no real continuous plot. However, the main draw of the series is the focus on the lead heroine Konata Izumi, who in japanese would be considered an otaku, while in ye olde english she can simply be called an anime nerd. Through Miss Konata we are given a series of anime inside jokes and japanese pop culture reference. And that's basically it, the whole series.
Though the above statement might seem as if I'm being hatefully critical, in actuality it's the complete opposite. I love everything about this series. True it isn't very complex, but that's what makes it so enjoyable. The characters are very simple, but have just enough depth so that they're all so lovable. The animation isn't ground breaking, but it's bright, colorful, and portrays the cute fun the writers were aiming for. And the music also conveys adorableness with everything from the main title song, to little background diddies enjoyably getting stuck in your head. While it's nice to have epic stories, major plot twists, and emotional characters, Lucky Star is a pleasant departure into simple animated fun.
However, Lucky Star is not without it's faults. The problem with pop culture comedy is if you don't know the reference of the joke you completely miss the punch line. This isn't a major issue because even if you don't understand why everyone's laughing, you'll still manage to get a few giggle if only out of confusion. Also each DVD includes a cheat sheet explaining all the little nuances of each episode. My main complaint isn't with the anime, but with the DVD itself. Its utter lack in special feature is very disappointing to me, seeing as I'm a sucker for commentaries and the such. Also, since when did interactive menus become special features as the box depicts. In this day and age saying a DVD has interactive menus is like say the disc will be round. But, I digress.
Some might argue that the dubbing is another deduction on the DVDs behalf, but I strongly disagree. Although I did already watch the whole series in the original japanese with bootleg-o-vision, it was easy to quickly warm up to the english voice actresses (and the very few actors). For those who do want to enjoy the original dubbing, or those who are too stubborn to listen to anything else, they do have original japanese with english subtitles. I recommend watching both as each has there merits.
Many have said that Lucky Star isn't for everyone, which I whole heartedly agree. Go read some more reviews, learn more about it, and see if it's up your ally. You just might find something truly enjoyable.
Also apologies for any poor grammar, I do bad with writing stuff good."
Either you get it or not
Hideki Saito | Issaquah, WA, USA | 08/09/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Lucky Star is an excellent show. Illustrating the life of Konata, and her friends. Mainly because original manga was 4 panels kind, it still makes sense even if you don't watch the whole thing in one sitting. Story other than main theme and scenes do not rely much on other part, making it relatively light one to watch. Characters are varied enough more likely you will find at least one character you'll like in the show.
Comes with quite a bit of bonus, which I think is on per with its price tag. If you just want DVD, you can get that way too. (CDs are nice, but I have hard time imagining myself wearing the T-shirt...)
Overall quality of dub is decent, but it is not certainly best one in my opinion. It is somewhat unfortunate as dubs for some characters are perfect. I'm not evaluating subtitles, as I watch Japanese track without one.
You might not get the full idea of humors in the show, if you don't know the original of those came from. Luckly, DVD insert includes information about background information about jokes and humors in the show."
The second course is very fulfilling.
Scott Martin Gavin | Klamath Falls, Oregon United States | 09/27/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The second volume fulfills the potential of the series, unlike the first four episodes. We get more than just talking heads in this volume, the girls get out and around and we meet their families and friends. This is a fun series with superior animation and voice acting. Each of the characters portrays a stereotypical Japanese school-girl role, but Konata seems aware of the stereotypes, and is constantly commenting on how often Miyuki lives up to her "Moe" sterotypical role. She seems unaware, however, of the sideways looks her own relationship with her single father garners from her friends, who are concerned that Konata and her father are a little "too close". When they wear kimonos to a Shrine festival, the girls notice Konata wears a real tied obi sash, and not a fake "pre-tied" obi. Konata innocently comments that her father tied the obi for her, and the girls all have an "ick" moment where they wonder what sort of man knows how to tie a girl's obi. It's all played for laughs, however, nothing inappropriate is shown or mentioned. The first volume nearly had me clicking on the merchandise return link. This second volume redeemed the series for me."
Lucky Star tickles my funny bone
lain4ever | Los Angeles, CA | 06/30/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Volume one of "Lucky Star" was a hit-and-miss comedy effort, but the second volume adds in far more funny anime reference jokes.
"Lucky Star" isn't an original series--it features mostly anime parody jokes which are only funny if people have seen the anime series which the parodies are based on. Thankfully, "Lucky Star" sneaks in some very funny inside references to anime.
For starters, in episode six Konata's cousin, Yui Narumi, gets steamed as another driver passes her car on the freeway. She then engages the person in an adrenaline-pumpking Initial D-style race--at 45 miles per hour. Talk about heavily dramatized.
Konata's teacher Nanako also has a sneaky inside reference to Evangelion. At a table at the beach, she drinks a beer and she says the trademark "CAAH! This is delicious!" quote from Misaki at the apartment.
Okay, maybe that joke is a little too elusive for other anime watchers to catch. However, "Lucky Star" flourishes in these silly inside references and parodies.
Even funnier are Konata's breaks in the middle of her homework to play her MMORPG. Konata has some humorous chats with her teacher in the MMORPG, who keeps reminding her to do her homework. However, sometimes Konata just HAPPENS to find a rare drop item in the game, and has to spend a special all-nighter trying out the new item. Good grief.
There's also plenty of great references to "Maria Watches Over Us," about Catholic girls appointed as the special "little sisters" to senior girls. And just for kicks, "Lucky Star" adds in a sneaky reference to "Azumanga Daioh" in the form of a relay race.
And while not everyone will get these jokes, "Lucky Star" is a special series for trying every single parody joke that anyone could ever think of. Sometimes the jokes don't work, but in this series, volume two is the beginning of "Lucky Star" at its prime."