Buyers Beware
Chris | NY, USA | 03/14/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I recently ordered this "Complete Collection" to only be disappointed, not with Love Hina the series, but with this product itself. Anime Legends' Love Hina Complete Collection is far from being complete. This title only has 24 of the episodes. What about the 25th episode and the movies? You wont find them here. Love Hina is a great series, and a lot of reviews written on this product will tell you that. I am writing this because I want people to know about the product itself because most people only write about the series. Had I known this, I would have ordered the Love Hina Perfect Collection. 24 episodes, thats it. No more, no less."
IJ | Ponce Puerto Rico | 07/04/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Before I write my review, I have to said this. I like action anime (mostly mecha), my collection goes from Evangelion, Samurai X and Blue Gender among others. So me buying a comedy is something. I have read reviews, and a lot of info about this series over the Internet, and a friend of mine told me how good this is. So, I buy it without seeing it, a risk, but I took it.
I LAUGH MY YOU KNOW WHAT OFF!!!!! From the beginning, all the way to the end, I was laughing. Some jokes I didn't get (I guess you have to know a lot of japanese culture to get all the jokes, and see a lot of japanese cinema), but you will get most of it. Keitaro getting hit/hurt everytime in every episode gets tiresome by the 4th dvd, but since in all harem anime the girls love the guy, this was completly new and original to all who has seen harem anime (I haven't, this is the first time). And there lies the most artistic value of this DVD set. It is original, and most original of all is the ending. For me, is a mix of "hey! nice! something different" with "aw men! don't leave me like that!".
The art is nice, the songs are amazing, the girls are supercool to watch, and our hero, well, he is a misunderstood guy. And the way the relations grow is funny to watch. Anyway, if you have read other of my reviews you most know I don't get into details of the series. If you want something to make you laugh, even if your tastes aren't this, if you want something original, and above all, something which you won't regret spending money, this is it.
Warning! You need to get the OAVS! Sadly the Perfect Collection version is out of print, and even more sad, this set does not include the ovas. If you read more reviews you are going to find out that the series real end is the last ova (well, here they are call movies). A bad trick for Bandai, this should be call THE ALMOST COMPLETE COLLECTION.
The girls, I like the most Kaolla, (she is nuts, she likes Keitaro in a painful sisterly kind of way) and Shinobu (she is cute, and inocent, she brings balance among all those strange not so traditional girls). Motoko, well, I still don't understand her. Where do she got her hatred for men? Other thing that get tiresome is that she always miread Keitaro actions (she calls him pervert before hitting him), most of the time when he is simply hugging one of the othe girls. You thing that by the 5th DVD she will get over it and understand that poor Keitaro is simply clumsy, not trying to get into a girls undies, and that is normal for a male friend to hug a female friend (or is she in love with him??). Kitsune...she doesn't get too much time in the series, but she is fun to watch. Motoko she is always misinterpreting anything Keitaro does. For this, he gets the reputation of peeping tom among other things. But, she helps him to study.
Keitaro, well, he is the "hero". He is geeky, nerdy, a nice guy, but since he is clumsy, he gets the fury of Naru fits and Motoko sword. Part of the comedy is when you see him doing something, and one of these two girls see him and thinks other thing was going on and well, does team rocket mean anything to you?.
Mutsumi, she is not part of the main cast, but she is important, since she is the only one who understand Keitaro.
To end this, Love Hina is a great addition to your collection. It has an amazing replay value, is fun, is simply amazing. You wont regret buying this. And is an anime girls will like too. The human element is important. Who doesn't have a dream to fulfill? Who hasn't fallen in love and think is not possible when it is? Who hasn't been in a situation that no matter what you do everyone misunderstands you? Who didn't want the attention of someone special? Is the human element among the comedy and wierd situations that takes this story to 5 stars. Enjoy it."
An ok set, but too bad the "Perfect Collection" is now out o
Cory LaFerriere | 05/07/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"If you want to collect all of Love Hina on DVD you'll need to get both this set and the "Movie Collection" which is also available on Amazon. However, some time ago there was a "Perfect Collection" available. This 10 disk set had all the episodes and all the movies. It was about $100, which is about the same you'll pay if you get both this set and the movie set. But still, having it all in one box set is more "shelf friendly." I don't see why the better set has to be no longer available.
That's the reason for the cost of one star in this review. The other lost star comes due to the anime itself. Simply put, the manga is much better. The series, including the movies not included here, does not cover the entire story, and what is covered is done so in a simplified way. In addition there are some added characters that are rather unnecessary. The art in the anime is inferior to the manga, except for the final movie "Love Hina Again" which isn't even a part of this set. I didn't hate the anime, and I'm glad to own it. But I get much more enjoyment from reading the manga."