#3 is a disappointment but #4 is quite good.
R. Getler | Lexington, KY | 04/28/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Three year old son is a firetruck, dump truck finatic. I ordered this on DVD to add to our collection. Sound and video quality is fair at best - audio recording volume seems too low at times causing you to turn the volume way up. Narration is by a 12 year old (?) boy who is obviously reading from queue cards in a mono-tone voice. In this case DVD is the media - don't read any quality hopes into 'DVD' in this case.Video 3 (DVD 2 has sections 3 and 4)
Watched it once but never again. It has a lengthy section on a toy CAT train which bores my son instantly. It then spends way too much time on following a CAT racing truck (big rig that races apparently in Europe). My kid wants to watch dump trucks and bulldozers - not toy trains and racing trucks. Terrible.Video 4( (DVD 2 has sections 3 and 4)
Much better than #3. Audio and video quality are still fair but the content is bulldozers, scrapers, dump trucks, etc. Much more of what my son is looking for. We watch it again and again.Frustrated by the low quality in production audio and video. They should have done it right if they plan on charging people for it. As a suggestion I strongly recommend "I dig dirt" as the absolute best childrens earthmover tape. We watch that twice as much as all the others combined."