An elite hit man is assigned to watch the girlfriend of his boss.
Genre: Feature Film-Action/Adventure
Rating: R
Release Date: 6-JAN-2004
Media Type: DVD
(Mr.) N. Sean Wright | Whiteville, NC USA | 02/14/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"You really don't expect much
from movies where rappers receive
top billing, but this movie
manages to stand apart from the genre.
Not only is this a fantastic action film,
but it also successfully combines
elements of comedy, social satire,
and blatant stereotype.
The absolute best thing about this movie
is the script. Eloquent, funny, intelligent,
and full of surprises.
Since I'm a person with an overactive mind
and short attention span, I'm always quick
to note which movies are able to maintain my
interest throughout the entire film. This film
does that and never disappoints.
I highly recommend this movie for purchase or rental.
Above all, I'm glad at least ONE rapper has turned out
to be a good actor."
Very Entertaining!
BIGTONE | Washington DC | 12/08/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Okay, maybe this isn't a big budget action thriller, but it is definitely an action thriller. Trech and the rest of the cast don't let you down in this sexy, funny, action packed film. I rented it, but I'm gonna have to buy this soon."
Loved the frontal
candy91 | Detroit, Michigan United States | 06/12/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This movie was good. Worth watching. Worth buying. Decent acting and actors. The plot a little far fetched but still good.Ladies definite plus was the FULL FRONTAL nude, strip scene with Treach. Too bad is wasn't longer and closer. The scene that is!!"
Entertaining action film with a good storyline
D. Shamon | Pembroke Pines, FL United States | 01/26/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"What looks like another run of the mill rapper driven action flick, turns out to be a solid film, with some thought provoking dialogue and above average action sequences. The movie rolls on at a relatively deliberate pace in the beginning with a narrative telling a significant part of the back story. Narratives in movies can really be hit or miss depending on the nature that they are told and their substance and relationship to the plot. With this film running just a hair over 80 minutes, the narrative enhances plot points and also serves as a background informational case study on characters introduced in the movie. The narrative never really interferes with the pace movie, and doesn't detract from any of the action sequences. The action in this movie is primarily gunplay; however, Malik's character is adept in martial arts and has a particularly intense battle with one of the thugs towards the end of the film. Andre "Chyna" McCoy did some of the action stunt sequences and as usual his moves were fluid and concentrated.The movie's tone is decisively urban with several of the jokes and innuendo being directed specifically towards a young black male audience. Most of the lead actors and actresses are black with the main crime boss being white. This leads to further racial stereotyping. What makes this movie palatable for a typical white guy to watch is the two simple facts that there are copious amounts of humor thrown in and the story is rather entertaining.To add spice to the story Malik's character is a hit man with second thoughts about his final job. As his boss has asked him to either kill his (the bosses) girlfriend or wait for his call and leave her alive. He soon realizes that he has to make a choice, as he has feelings for this girl. Also Malik befriends a government agent, who is working the case, to bring down the antagonist, and she provides some interesting sub-plot matter.The acting in this movie is one aspect which was a bit wooden. It seems like the facial expressions and the emotions which this movie was trying to portray were not fully executed. This is only a minor gripe, as most of the actors in this movie including Treach have limited experience. Overall this is a very good film with a surprise twist at the end. The camera work and lighting is appropriate depending on the specific scene. There is no nudity in this film, which is refreshing, in the sense that flesh doesn't have to sell the story. Without nudity there is no wasted time, and the flow of the story maintains an even, somewhat relaxed pace. It is obvious that director Kantz and Ben Ramsey are ready to handle movies with larger budgets and more polished actors."
"LOVE AND A" thousand rounds of "BULLETS".
Blackworm | 03/15/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"LOVE AND A BULLET poked fun at the somewhat structure of syndicate life by using Malik Bishop, played by Treach, as a hitman who succeeds from street killer to mafia life after being recruited by a kingpin who uses him to eliminated those who stand in the way of high-powered associates. This film was action-packed and also held a dose of humor at what life is like with "the family" and who get promoted to side of the big man. Another plus was Malik's commentaries and how he found amazement in what some people will kill for. There were some unexpected moves within the movie, which added to the conflict, and the romance with the beautiful and dangerous Hylene added dimension. The end battle with the syndicate over an act of conscience was almost like watching a video game, it was so over the top, but then, so was this movie. Treach's moody, bad brother character whose received a change of heart was a welcome sight to what could have been a one-dimensional character, and made what could have been a one-dimensional movie into a film that was more than the sum of it's parts."