Michael Butts | Martinsburg, WV USA | 04/28/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Poor Stephen Baldwin. Poor Nicolette Sheridan. Poor viewer. LOST TREASURE features the ubiquitous Baldwin as a map cryptographer whose cop brother (Corey McLaughlin) stumbled upon a rare map in an art heist. Seems like millionaire Hannes Jaenicke had arranged for the theft of this map and he wants it back. Said map is supposed to be for the whereabouts of the lost treasure of Christopher Columbus at some place in the Panamanian region. Cop brother is kidnapped by Jaenicke, leading Baldwin on a chase to find the brother and the missing overlay of the map that will lead them to the fortune. Baldwin enlists the pilot services of tough, distracted Sheridan. Along for the ride: an obnoxious couple that serves no purpose but to provide whining, shrill yapping and supposed comic relief. And if that weren't enough, there's a tremendous CGI created tsunami threatening the tiny island. The movie is full of cliches, derivative scenes, and generally bad acting. Baldwin and Sheridan look bored and disinterested; the rest of the cast tries to make this an Indiana Jones copy. Uh-uh. Baldwin, whose career started off so brilliantly in THE USUAL SUSPECTS still hasnt' established himself as a credible actor, and the lovely Sheridan has fortunately redeemed herself in the hit tv series DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES. She must have been desperate indeed to sign on for this loser."