Not your typical history lesson
Melinda | Iowa | 10/22/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The majority of people in this country will probably agree that when it comes to learning about the Native American people in school history classes our education is sorely lacking.
Lost Nation: The Ioway is educational in so many ways. This movie brings the history of the Ioway people to life through pictures, computer generated graphics, artifacts, locations, and people. The scenery is amazing. The combination of vocal and written narration is nice. As you hear the sound of birds, rivers, and music you learn about the early part of the history of Iowa. You see and listen to people of many different generations and backgrounds talk about a history that is not normally taught in school.
The film makers have also done an amazing job with creating a short "kids" version of the movie as well. For anyone with young students this is a wonderful bonus to the DVD. The special features section is full of many hours of fun. The most remarkable feature on this DVD is the option to watch the movie while listening to it being said in the language of the Iowa tribe, a language that is in the process of being saved.
I highly recommend this DVD to anyone interested in Iowa, history, Native Americans, or just understanding another culture."
Fascinating Documentary
Mary Beth | Ohio | 06/18/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a captivating film that tells the story of the Ioway Tribe's initial arrival into the area that would eventually be named for them, the State of Iowa, and their consequent split over the selling of their Tribal land to the government. The story is very intriguing and told by the filmmakers with much honor and respect for the Ioway. It was fascinating to learn how they lived their everyday lives, building their homes out of tree bark; hunting for food, and for animal hide to make their clothing. The split of the Ioway over the eventual selling of their land was sad enough, but even more distressing was the fact that thousands of them died during forced relocation after the institution of the Indian Removal Act in 1830.
The photography was stunning. I've never been to Iowa, but this film really showed the beauty of the State.
I highly recommend this compelling film, not just to documentary lovers, but it should also be used as an educational tool to make people aware of the long-forgotten Ioway and other Indian Tribes who were forced off their land so long ago, and the tribulations they had to endure as a result."