More Looney Tunes. Your wish is our command. Because in this 4-disc set are 60 more of the most looneytic Looney Tunes ever unleashed on rabbits, pigs, mice or cats. Indeed, some have never before been on home video! Disc ... more »1 features the tall, gray and haresome one. Disc 2 is all pig. Disc 3 is all about Speedy. And Disc 4 is the cats meow. One thing: to watch these, you must be as tall as this sign. Wrong disclaimer. Read the one in the box below. Got the idea? Now have fun« less
A. Gammill | West Point, MS United States | 08/17/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I know, we all have our favorite cartoons. And it's easy to nit-pick on the selection of 'toons in each volume. But, with the release of Vol. 4, there are still OVER 700 LOONEY TUNES that Warner Bros. can choose from. I think it's imperative that we fans continue supporting each release, in order to continue the Golden Collection series.
Having said that, I would prefer that they stop giving each disc a single theme. I love these classic cartoons, but even I will have trouble sitting through 15 Speedy Gonzales cartoons in a row. Wouldn't it be more fun for viewers to mix it up a little? Or better yet, take a cue from the Columbia House Video Library, and give each famous cartoon director his own disc.
OK, so I'm guilty of nit-picking, too. Vol. 4 is another treasure trove for classic animation fans, with incredible bonus materials. So come one, Looney Tunes fans! Grab The Golden Collection Vol. 4 so we can assure that "That's NOT all, folks!"
Plenty of toons, not enough looney
James A. Pantano | beacon, new york United States | 11/30/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"bugs has always been my favorite so the two star rating is not a knock on him or most of the other looney toons characters. the two star rating is based soley on the content of volume four. disc one is all bugs, half of them very good the other half less then memorable. the yosemitie sam "whoa" theme was cute. (whoa mule, whoa camel, whoa dragon) disc two "dash of tashin" are straight up generic cartoons. nice, cutezy, squirrels singing, birds chirping, you will watch it once and that will be that. disc three is speedy gonzalez a character i never cared for and a disc that may not even be watched once. disc four is dedicated to cats. i have three cats so its not as though i dont appreciate them, (the animals not the toons) its just that basically you have another disc of mostly less then memorable generic cartoons. i hate to be the one that dissents from all the other glowing five star reviews but its not like these sets come out all that frequently and they dont come cheap and if i may, i never cared for these "theme things" i would greatly prefer chronologic order. colombia does this theme stuff with its three stooges shorts and it drives me nuts. each disc comes with a written disclaimer bemoaning the hurtful and wrong images blah, blah, blah. there are a boat load of special features that you watch once or maybe not at all. another reviewer noted some edits and i also noted one in rabbit hood i remember robin hood says something in the end of the cartoon that appears to be edited here. okay, so i read my own review and it sounds so down, but honestly i thought volume four would be much much better. there are dozens and dozens of great toons sitting in some vault somewhere till who knows when?"
Keep those Golden Collection boxes coming!
R. Rebel | Amersfoort, Netherlands | 08/31/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"At this yearly pase I will have to wait till about the year 2020 to have a complete Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies-collection! ;) So keep them coming! I love the favorites, but I also like and am interested in the lesser known ones!
Here's data on Golden Collection #4:
* Includes 60 episodes on a Four-Disc Set.
* Disc One: Showcase the long-eared star extraordin-hare with 15 Bugs Bunny Cartoons, including the 1958's Oscar-winning Best Cartoon Short Subject Knighty Knight Bugs.
* Disc Two: (Porky Pig) celebrates animation legend Frank Tashin, who brought a filmmaker's eye for angles, editing and style to his cartoon creations.
* Disc Three: Zips along pronto with fast-acting Speedy Gonzales and includes Tabasco Road Mexicall Shmoes and Pied Piper of Guadalupe, all of which were nominated for Academy Awards.
* Disc Four: And cats may have nine lives but they also have 15 cartoons on the fourth disc's batch of feline follies. The Fur's Gonna Fly.
* 26 Commentary Tracks on 25 Shorts (The Aristo-Cat get 2 commentary Tracks) by the likes of Paul Dini, Eric Goldberg, June Foray, Michael Barrier, Mark Kausler, Daniel Goldmark, Greg Ford, Eddie Fitzgerald, Stan Freberg, Art Leonardi, Jerry Beck and comments by the late Frank Tashlin, the late Fritz Freleng and the late Chuck Jones.
* 15 Alternate Studio Tracks (music or music and effects only tracks).
* 8 Cartoons From the Vault:
- The Goldbrick (1943 Snafu short).
- The Home Front (1943 Snafu short).
- Censored (1944 Snafu short).
- 90 Day Wounder (1956 Army reinlistment film by Chuck Jones).
- Drafty, Isn't It? (1957 Army recruitment film by Chuck Jones).
- Porky's Breakdowns.
- Sahara Hare Storyboard Reel.
- Porky's Poor Fish Storyboard Reel.
* 7 Behind the Tunes Documentaries:
- Bugs Bunny Superstar Part 1 (1976 documentary).
- Bugs Bunny Supperstar Part 2 (1976 documentary).
- Friz on Film (new documentary).
- 2 Behind The Scenes Look at Bugs Bunny Show.
* Frank Tashlin's Storyboards.
- Little Chic's Wonderful Mother.
- Tony and Clarence.
* Fifty Years of Bugs Bunny in three & one half Minutes (1989 short)
"I suppose that sooner or later Speedy Gonzales was bound to dominate an entire "Golden Collection," but I was definitely hoping that it was going to be Volume XXIV and not this one. Two or three of Speedy's shorts would be tolerable, but it appears as if his entire oeuvre has been collected on this set. As was the case with so many of Robert McKimson's post 1960's cartoons, many of these are totally forgettable and I suspect I'll be skipping around like crazy as I did when presented with more than three Tweety or Road Runner cartoons in a row on the earlier collections. On the other hand, I was shocked to see how few Daffy Duck cartoons were included in this set. Where are the great late 1940's Daffy cartoons such as "Riff Raffy Daffy," "The Stupor Salesman," or the side-splitting "Daffy Dilly?" The Duck just don't get no respect!
I have to say that I was incensed to see the inclusion of a few of the post-1964 absolutely worthless DePatie-Freleng cartoons as well. These should be buried forever and never included on any subsequent collections. I remember watching some of those on TV as a kid and thinking "how the heck did Daffy Duck end up being second banana to a Mexican rodent?" The bottom line is that they just aren't funny. It was nice, however, to see at least a few 1930's cartoons, although how long will it be until "The Major Lied Till Dawn," "Jeepers Creepers," and Tex Avery's art deco opus "Miss Glory" see the light of day?
After the absolutely worthless disclaimers from Whoopie Goldberg on the GCV3, I thought that perhaps this set would include some of the fantastically funny (albeit controversial and perhaps a bit racist) cartoons such as "Coal Black and De Sebben Dwarves,"
"Sunday Go To Meetin' Time," "Clean Pastures," "Uncle Tom's Bungalow," "Goin' To Heaven on a Mule," and all the fabulously surreal and totally unseen by anyone under the age of 45 Inki and the Mynah Bird cartoons. It appears as if WB is still equivocating about those, but if enough people let them know that we're now adults and can handle the content, perhaps they'll relent. Yeah, right. Is the most delectable heroine in cartoondom, So White, any more stereotypical than Speedy Gonzales? Let's try to force this issue with an unrelenting
internet attack!
I understand the economics of releasing these collections so as not to compete with one another, but like the "Complete Peanuts"
book collections, I worry that at age 53, I might not be around to enjoy the last volume. Can't the pace be picked up just a little bit to maybe two collections a year with 120 cartoons being represented? Maybe I'm just a crazy dreamer...
Like everyone else, I'm going to be purchasing each volume of the "Golden Collection" as soon as it's available, but I wish they would leave out some of the more forgettable Bugs Bunny
cartoons ("Rabbit Romeo???" What were they thinking? That's the absolute worst Bugs short ever!) and delve a bit into some of the more obscure gems among the 750+ cartoons that are still awaiting discovery. Despite these cavils, when each "Golden Collection" volume shows up in my mailbox, I always feel the way I did on Christmas morning when I was a child. Any complaints I may have are forgotten 8 hours later when I return to the real world, blurry-eyed but definitely better for all the laughter and memories that are kindled by watching the greatest cartoons ever produced."
Looney Tunes- Golden Collection, Volume Four
Commander Flake | Mudville, USA | 01/11/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This is not as "strong" a collection as previous volumes in this series. The packaging of the DVDs is an issue,since they are stacked one atop another. This increases the risk of damaging a disc considerably.
As for the material,disc 3, is almost completely unwatchable. Speedy Gonzales on a whole Disc? Please. Disc one is the best one, all Bugs, not necessarily at his best but, it is the best disc of a mediocre lot. Conspicuous by his relative absence, Daffy Duck. But he is up to par when he does appear. Sadly, the producers had to put in a disclaimer about ethnic stereotypes. The statement was just so much hogwash. The viewer should understand that this material is a product of the times in which they were made."