Jonathan F. Pugh | Weaverville, North Carolina USA | 06/20/2003
(3 out of 5 stars)
"For those of you who are thrilled to pieces to have found that this brilliant work will be released on DVD, I might have some bad news for you. I took the liberty to e-mail the President of the studio which is producing this DVD, and he informed me that the version is one from 1973 starring Laurence Olivier. And while Olivier was no slouch as an actor, I think most people will continue to view the 1962 film version to be the superior production. However you feel about it, I thought it would be nice to know what product you are considering. I hope it helps."
Great Performances, Great Play, Great DVD
Tom From NY | New York, NY United States | 12/01/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am delighted to be able to add this to my DVD collection. This production of the play is easily the finest ever put on film or tape, infinitely superior to that rather tired film with Katherine Hepburn and Ralph Richardson. This was taped in the studio after a famed production of the play was a major success at England's National Theatre.Olivier's James Tyrone is indelible, the only actor I have ever seen to make the character a real living person rather than a hard-hearted tyrant. Olivier's performance is heart breaking, one of the most beautiful and moving performances I've ever seen. His James Tyrone manages to be achingly human and sad at all times, without ever once sugar-coating the character's less admirable qualities. That the same can be said of Constance Cummings as Mary Tyrone, and Denis Quilley and Ronald Pickup as Jamie and Edmund is a tribute to an overall magnificent cast.A more than worthy addition to anyone's DVD library, and vital viewing for anyone interested in watching a great performance of a great play.All in all, this is a great feast of acting for those willing to sit still and watch it with the attention it deserves. It doesn't get better than this."
Constance Cummings is Magnificent
Dennis J. Pauly | Evanston, IL USA | 07/28/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I prefer the Katharine Hepburn version overall but this one I will
buy just for the magnificence of Constance Cummings. Olivier got
an Emmy and huzzahs at the time but I don't really believe his
James Tyrone. But Cummings is Mary Tyrone. Just watching her
in her closeups as the morphine-addicted mother, haunted by her
past. There have been some wonderful Mary Tyrones recently.
Vanessa Redgrave and Jessica Lange were fabulous too. But each
one had a little different interpretation and all are valid I
think. But Cummings is right up there with the best. I still hope
someone puts her shattering portrayal in WINGS on video. It deserves to be preserved too."
Olivier's LDJN: The wait is finally over
Dennis J. Pauly | 09/30/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This was the first production of Long Days Journey Into Night that I saw. It changed my life, I was a high school student at the time, and I was blown away by the power of the play. The following year I was able to go to both London and New York and began a now 30 year love affair with the Theatre. For me, Denis Quilley and Ronald Pickup have been the Jaime and Edmund that everyone else must measure up to. This production was legendary, and deservedly so. A must for any O'Neill student."
Definitive Version
Mr. Gary L. Shapiro | Aptos, ca USA | 04/11/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Sir Laurence Olivier is magnificent in this version of the O'Neill family drama. Produced for television and shot on video tape.