Nearing the age of 30 with no real accomplishments to show for his years, Jim (Casey Affleck) humbly returns to his small town and moves back in with his eccentric parents (Mary Kay Place and Seymour Cassell) and brother (... more »Kevin Corrigan). As he tries to guide his family through the little dramas of everyday life, Jim stumbles into a romance with a kind, optimistic nurse (Liv Tyler). Directed by Steve Buscemi, Lonesome Jim is a wise, smart comedy about the courage it takes to accept the past, and to embrace the future.« less
"This is a quirky, odd little independent film that I saw recently at a local theatre that shows, well, quirky, odd, little independent movies. It has a few laugh-out loud moments, and an overall sweet feel to it. The subtle message of the film is that you might just be able to change your life -- albeit, a little at a time.
Jim and his family are the very definition of dysfunctional. He returns home from living in New York after quitting his job as a dog-walker. That's right -- dog WALKER. His mother, marvelously played by Mary Kay Place, is emotionally needy and all-but-clueless -- or, at least you think so in the beginning. Jim assessment of his parents is overwhelmingly negative, though he usually expresses this in a very passive fashion. Thing is, he is cognizant enough to realize that he, himself, is every bit as stuck in a rut. When he meets Liv Tyler in a local bar, his view of things begins to change, but it is hardly overnight. No fireworks, wine or roses here. Just the subtle realization that there might be a different way to look at one's life.
Far from being maudlin, the film acknowledges the character's shortcomings unsparingly, and yet does so in a way that is both comical and very nearly sympathetic. You have to stay with this movie a bit to appreciate its humor and sublety, but you'll most likely be pleasantly surprised if you do."
Good Indie Film
DK9777 | 09/22/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is a good, indie film directed by a veteran of the industry, Steve Buscemi. It's the kind of movie he's been acting in his whole career.
There's nothing spectacular or original story. It's been told a hundred times in indie films, classic literature, and every novel by Larry McMurtry or JD Salinger.
Casey Affleck plays Jim, a man in his late twenties who hasn't made much of his life because he was afraid of failure. He's lost his way and broke so he comes home to a small town to live his parents and his older brother, who might be even more pathetic. While he's there his brother gets in an accident and Jim is forced to take over his duties. Along the way he meets Liv Tyler's character, a pretty, small town girl with a ten year old son. It's through Jim's actions with her, his family, and a children's basketball team that he eventually finds the will to take some risks in life.
The story is light on plot, but it's the mood that makes it interesting. Any one who's ever enjoyed "Catcher in the Rye" or similar stories or movies will probably enjoy this film, which has a lot of charm and several laugh out loud moments."
"You Can't Always Get What You Want"
Rocky Raccoon | Boise, ID | 12/03/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"'Lonesome Jim' presents some problems. Faced with loneliness and depression, we all have our moments of anguish and forlorness. Casey Affleck plays the leading role with life's alienation written all over his face. He has lost the paper chase out in the world and must--like many young adults nowadays--come home and live with the family until his luck changes. The mother is supportive, but the father intimidates him from just feeding off their bounty, so he works at the family business and takes the menial jobs at the factory. He tries to go to all the familiar watering holes, an exercise that only seems to make his inner hole bigger, until he meets a cheerful and generous nurse. He also volunteers for a young girls basketball team, which he seems to go through the motions.
He is also an aspiring writer, and he wears the despair of his greatest heroes on his sleeve, including Hemingway, whom he notes shot himself. On one cheerful encounter with his mother (played wonderfully by Mary Kay Place) she asks Jim what they've done to raise two miserable boys: "Be honest...You're a smart and sensitive man, you should have some idea." He replies, "Some people shouldn't have kids," a response that injures even her seemingly unflappable resource of cheerfulness. His cousin Stacie works at the factory and brings his monetary resources to Jim who naively gets blackmailed by him from snitching when he uses the factory to mail drugs, and Jim's mother gets busted.
Sometimes loneliness and depression are a disease. The reason I recommend watching 'Lonesome Jim' is because it goes through it and glides on top of it at the same time. His loneliness is as tangible as watching the futile anguish of Johnny Depp in 'What's Eating Gilbert Grape?' The film is entertaining and cathartic, but it may have the best feature of confronting a part of all of us that is screaming to make life a better domain."
Casey Affleck: no longer at the kiddies' table on Thanskgivi
Joel Munyon | Joliet, Illinois - the poohole of America. | 07/01/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Stay with me here. It's Thanksgiving afternoon. Momma Affleck has just brought out the turkey. Ben is sitting to the right of ole Papa Affleck and they're talking 'Good Will Hunting' Oscar winnings, Jennifer Garner, and all-things Matt Damon. Down at the end of the table sits one Casey Affleck at the kid's table, eyes tearing up and burning with jealous rage. For years, this has been the case for the Affleck family, Casey at the kid's table while Ben talks about his most recent big-screen successes. Once, Casey was asked about his movie career, to which he replied, "Well, I made this film called Gerry that was pretty...." only to find his father interrupting him at this point as he asked Ben, "So what about this new film you and Morgan Freeman are making?"
Then, like a gift from the movie gods, came Lonesome Jim, a bizarre, loveable dark comedy in which our boy Casey Affleck could finally sink his ready teeth.
Lonesome Jim is a poor man's comedy, the type of film which can really only be appreciated by the Casey Affleck's of the universe, to which I readily admit I am one. In this world, underdog comedy is not only appreciated, but joyously celebrated. Jim, played by Casey, is a guy not unlike us. He has tried his hand at life, failed miserably at it, and returns in bitter defeat to his parent's basement. Here, he finds a guilt-tripping father who wants to run his life and a mother who is all-too happy to cut Jim's meet for him or let him borrow the family van. When it comes to women, Jim misses all the signals and often is left out thinking with over-analytical questions like, "Was she coming onto me?" as the girl, in the meantime, leaves it disgust when her advances are not reciprocated.
This is the world of Lonesome Jim. If you're reading this, this is the world of you. Since I'm writing it, I already know it's the world of me. If you are at peace with that, you will likely love this film, as you will no-doubt see elements of your own fatigued attempts at success and nonchalant approach to life embodied in the role of Lonesome Jim.
So for that, I thank you Mr. Casey Affleck. You sit at the kiddies' table no more, my friend.
Good Movie
Joshua Miller | Coeur d'Alene,ID | 09/08/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
""Lonesome Jim" is directed by Steve Buscemi (it's his third film, I haven't seen the other two) and in this film he proves that he's not just one of the finest actors alive but he's also a good director. Lonesome Jim is (and Buscemi even admitted it) pretty short on plot, summing it up in a few words would be simple. But it's slightly more complex than that and is pretty damn funny and has a lot of heart. Remember the film "Five Easy Pieces." I'm not putting this film in the same category, but both movies are simple yet complex. Casey Affleck has been around about as long as his brother Ben, but rarely do you see him in lead roles. He's not leading man material, due to his skinny frame and wimpy voice. This role is perfect for him, because Jim is a pretty weak, small, and wimpy guy. Jim is a writer, who failed to make it in New York and is forced to move back in with his parents. His mother Sally (Mary Kay Place) is that typical movie mom. Overbearing, really sweet, and rather clueless. His father, Don (Seymour Cassel) is the typical movie dad. Doesn't really care. Jim also has a brother Tim (Kevin Corrigan, playing the same part he played in Buffalo 66 and TV's Grounded for Life. There's not a scene in this film where he doesn't look stoned) and figuring out who's a bigger failure is actually pretty difficult. At one point, Jim marvels to Tim
"I'm a f**k up. But you're a tragedy." Tim still lives with Sally and Don, has two daughters, coaches a girls basketball team that always loses, and works for a dollar over minimum wage. After Jim's speech, Tim crashes his car into a tree. The love story of Lonesome Jim is between Tim and Anika (Liv Tyler, who looks gorgeous), a nurse and mother of one. After meeting in a bar, we're led to one of the funniest (if not rather predictable) sex scenes I've seen in a while. For Liv Tyler fantatics, a quick side-note. There is no nudity. There's also the sub-plot about Evil (Mark Boone Junior), a man who works in Sally's factory dappling in drugs which eventually gets Sally arrested. The movie isn't hysterically funny, but one of those toned-down subtle comedies.
It's not one of the best movies of the year, but it's definitely worth checking out. My biggest complaint is the cinematography. Out of the three films I've seen from IFC films (the other two being Sorry, Haters and Manderlay). It's not unbearable, but I don't know when it became "independent film law" to shoot with this lens.