Currently Available DVDs (2) | Currently Unavailable DVDs (26)2007 - King Boxer (aka 'Five Fingers Of Death') 2007 - The 36th Chamber of Shaolin 2007 - The Furious 2007 - Lady Iron Monkey 2007 - Executioners from Shaolin 2006 - Black Magic (Shaw Brothers Special Edition) 2006 - The Face Behind the Mask 2005 - Dirty Ho 2005 - Scorching Sun Fierce Winds Wild Fire 2005 - Martial Arts Marathon Vol 1 Dragon Strikes Back/Fists of Bruce Lee 2005 - Fists of Bruce Lee 2005 - Five Kung Fu Daredevil Heroes 2004 - Heroes of the Wild 2004 - One Armed Swordsman vs 9 Killers 2004 - Fatal Needles 2003 - Kung Fu Beyond The Grave / Chinese Vampire Story