Gorgeous photography marred by on-screen self-promotion
roika | Southern United States | 06/09/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"One of the reasons I don't watch TV is commercial interference. Plus, I find the on-screen logos and overlaid promotions during a program VERY TACKY. So my TV is used only for viewing DVDs. I do sometimes buy a complete TV series after it's released on DVD -- commercial-free. When DVDs start having commercial interruptions or on-screen logos, I'll simply stop buying them.
I can't believe the folks at Living Landscapes put their logo in every frame of a nature film! It's like having a bit of litter in every scene. Very distracting. They could have put info about the other items in their catalog as a _separate_ viewing option, as most DVDs manufacturers do. That would have been acceptable.
Having written the company to inquire if the on-screen logo indicated I had received a demo or whether the logo could be turned off, a representative responded that the company chose to watermark their product to discourage illegal copying and piracy -- which is understandable -- but if piracy is an issue, wouldn't it be better to simply COPY-PROTECT the discs, so that consumers could enjoy the gorgeous photography unmarred?
Were this product onscreen-logo-free, I would buy the whole series. As it is, I won't be buying any more. Very disappointing, for such an otherwise-beautiful product.
Companies should be aware that there are still folks who appreciate artistic integrity and who refuse to buy products featuring commercial intrusions, especially when it imposes itself upon the beauty of nature."
Destination: Relaxation
Dana Paull | Reno, NV USA | 02/17/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This series of dvds is a well produced wealth of relaxing opportunitites. The Rocky Mountains title takes me on a virtual vacation to a destination that I may not likely get to see in my lifetime.
I collect dvds of this type, and keep them on as background while I work around the house and while I do creative writing. The visuals are stunning, and the music fits the scenery to enhance the experience.
I have all of the titles of this series, and look forward to more destinations to add to my stock of virtual vacations!"
No watermark on this title!
HDXpert | Sebastopol California | 07/30/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"We are the producers of this DVD, and would like to say that the watermark does NOT appear on this Blu-ray Version. We took to heart the comments made about our Standard DVD version and did not include the watermark on ANY of our Blu-ray titles. I have asked Amazon to remove this review as it is inaccurate.
HD Environments"
Great content flawed by a bad camera lens
Uzi | Texas, USA | 03/27/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This is for the Blu-Ray version which I just bought the other day at the local Fry's for 9.99.
There is no voice over dialog. If your looking for a documentary holding your hand go look elsewhere. This is pure scenic.
First the good points. Great scenic vistas of the some of what the Rocky Mountains
has to offer. Decent editing with some niggles from me but overall done about right.
The disc has two soundtracks. Nature only sounds and one with music. I listened only to
the nature only sounds and found that quite pleasing. Birds with waterfall sounds , wind, that
sort of thing and all done what seemed to be in situ not dubbed. (with a couple exceptions that seemed oddly dubbed not sure).
If you ever saw the Rocky's in real life and miss seeing them this will bring back some
good memories. If you never saw them I'd say you can't go wrong seeing this as it will
give you some idea of the pure grandeur of the territory. Are you a trapped city /metro
dweller? You might get an idea of what America out west looks like if you watch this. Maybe
gain some understanding of what people mean when they say 'grandeur' when speaking of the American West. Might make you depressed too, but that is another story.
Looks great (with issues noted after this) on my Samsung 720p 48inch set when viewed
from about 3 to 4 feet away. \
In another review it was noted a complaint about a water mark visible. I saw NO watermark
of any sort. Perhaps my 53 year old eyes can't see it or they removed the watermark from later discs.
Another perk is the disc endlessly repeats without doing anything fancy with my player.
I like that.
Now the 'bad'.
The major issue on the bad side and the reason I can't give this a 5, which I would have, is due to a problem with the lens on one of the cameras. In many shots it was glaringly
obvious the camera lens was a problem as the outer 1/5th' of the left and right side of
the shot was considerably out of focus. The inner 3/5th's of the screen was spot on focus.
It was not a issue with varying focal lengths in the scene it was a bad lens.
Not all scenes had this issue but far too many did and I presume they had more than one camera taking shots.
All in all this is not enough to make me not want to buy more but I plan to buy one at a time to see if this is a recurring issue with their product line.
Another issue is the length of the product. A mere 58 minutes. Why did they limit this to
58 minutes? I'm sure it was not a lack of material. It wasn't because they had to pay
some dialog writer for voice over. Why not toss in a extra 30 minutes to an hour of vistas? This is a BluRay disc not a damn VHS or Beta Max tape.
Finally, if I was to be picky, I'd say they really did not
find much of the Rocky's to explore. The disc covers just a tiny amount of the Rockys. That is a huge territory though and to be fair it would take dozens of discs. They should have called it views of the Rockys in 'state x' (I have no idea where they did the shots but it seemed to me all were pretty much in the same general area).
A suggestion to them. Why not add another menu item so the viewer could see where and when the shots were taken. A simple blu-ray edit to provide the information on demand would be very useful. Hell toss in Latitude and Longitude information.
I did go on a bit much on the 'bad' side but on balance this was well worth the 9.99 I spent. I plan to go back to Fry's and buy the Redwood version and see how that turned out, then maybe the entire series ... assuming they fixed that lens issue.
I'd buy from Amazon but right now Fry's is a bit cheaper even with local tax.