Michael Stouffer | Los Angeles, CA United States | 10/19/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This release should be titled, "In Living Color: Season 2 (Edited and Modified for Your Viewing Displeasure)". The cheapos at FOX apparently didn't want to pay for certain music rights involved in the skits so they either replaced the music or cut the skit all together (as is the case with The Jim Carrey Vanilla Ice skit). What an underhanded move by Fox. I consider this false advertising. It's not Season 2. It's MOST of Season 2, MODIFIED. I LOVE "IN LIVING COLOR". This review is based on this DVD RELEASE ONLY. I am very disappointed and would advise others to avoid purchasing. Maybe FOX will get the message and do a re-release, but don't hold your breath. I've really lost respect for Fox and its Home Entertainment Division. They could have, at the very least, acknowledged the modifications on the DVD packaging."
Homey don't play dat. Neither do I.
Twiddles42 | MN, USA | 01/08/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I will NEVER buy ILC season 2. Not until Fox re-releases it, unedited. (and maybe gives a coupon for those who had bought it.)
Anybody who's kept up on my reviews, for better or worse, would know that I find nothing worse than editing - especially when they don't bother to say on the packaging. Television is supposed to be art. To chop it up and remove pieces, regardless of excuse, is no better than me going to the Louvre to paint over the Mona Lisa's nose with pea green paint or, worse, an advertisement for Tootsie Rolls in the nostrils.
I'm hoping season 3 will be full and unedited.
It's a shame; the show itself was not only funny at the time; it's held MUCH of its humor that many skit or sitcom shows have managed to lose over time. That is extremely rare, to say the least.
In Living Color is special. A cultural influence, no less, as it remains as fresh today as it did in 1990 (unlike many other skit shows...). To neuter it by replacing music soundtracks (while not updating the end credits either) and removing entire skits (namely the Vanilla Ice parody for no apparent reason) crosses the line. Particularly when, as said by others, no word of the atrocity had been mentioned on the packaging!
Now if this set was $20, then I would buy it. But not for $40.
One other note, I want to send a gigantic note of thanks to amazon.com, for being an invaluable service. In terms of both price and especially with allowing consumer reviews, I turn to amazon.com first to find out what users have to say about new releases."
Poor DVD set
KS | Chilliwack, BC Canada | 12/27/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I'm sorry but this is not a true representation of the show in 1991. The editing company RUINED it. The original songs from the dances were not the same and have missing skits.
Now that TV on DVD is all the rage these days we don't deserve to pay a lot of money to have these sets so poorly altered.Anyone wanting to buy the set to have a reminder of how it really was when it originally aired will be disappointed. I want a refund!"
Shame on FOX for editing
Karl D. Spoolman | 10/11/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This was a great show when it was on TV!!! Why did FOX have to edit it??? I loved the end of Anton's army skit and also miss Jim Carey's Vanilla Ice impression. RELEASE the series UNEDITED!!!!!!! It would absolutely get 5 stars without the editing. At least explain to us why some of the material is changed and WARN us before we buy it!!!!"
Good... But Butchered
DGNR8Whammy | North Carolina | 10/02/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"True fans of In Living Color will notice some differences between this season of episodes as compared to season one and the broadcast run of this series, either on Fox or reruns on FX.
One of the positives of this season is that all of these episodes are as they were when they first aired on Fox, meaning all the sketches are not like the reruns on FX when they cut and butchered the episodes and had all sorts of sketches from all five seasons of the show. The best thing about this is that there is some material that hasn't been seen since it originally aired on Fox.
One of the most serious downfalls of this season is that the most of the original music bumpers have been removed and replaced with generic music. I am surprised that they didn't edit out the special musical guests at the end of the shows. I understand that they would have to pay for the music rights, but this is just sad. They also manupliated the credits of each show, and it is VERY noticeable.
One other downside is that some of the sketches have been altered. 95% are still in tact, but in two instances I have seen where they have been altered. One of the sketches being one where Anton Jackson goes to join the Army. The end of the sketch was cut where he started to sing his version of the "Be All You Can Be" Army song. One other instance involves a jailhouse call with Oswald. It was supposed to be a commerical for AT&T, but they edited over the original music with some more "upbeat" kind of song.
Diehard fans should like this classic collection of episodes, but these suddle changes and alterations are enough to make some upset."