Littlest Leaguers Soccer Just Okay
James C. Caron | Wilmington, NC USA | 06/03/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD was just okay in my book. A decent introduction into the game, but there were some weakness in the demonstration of the skills. But these aren't things that a child might pick up or emulate. Some of the techniques shown were performed at a slow pace and I think this video could have used 5-10 minutes of an actual game to show techniques being used at speed. Some parts of the DVD were just slow and might lose the attention of a young child. The music in the video is a little repetitive and basic, though enthusiastically performed. The video breaks down skill sets into dribbling, passing, trapping, shooting, and rules, as well as two scenes on sportsmanship. The animation was well done, but seemed a little awkward at times. On the plus side I thought the section showing some of the games and drills used to practice skills, particularly dribbling, were either okay or very good. I got this video for my three year old to help introduce him to the game and depending on how he reacts I'd be willing to rewrite this review."