Little Steps: Baby Smart Start Baby Smart Start: Introduces soothing Classical Music Stimulates vision with High Contrast, Black, white and red images Uses Large geometric shapes easily recognized by infants ... more » Helps train tracking, focusing and attention span Little Steps: Baby Smart Start For Babies Ages 0 to 2 Years Little Steps, Making Big Strides in Baby Education! Awaken your baby's senses with Baby Smart Start, introducing bright colors and geometric shapes that move and dance to the rhythm and beat of six carefully selected classical music pieces, attracting and holding the attention of developing infants. Baby Smart Start Images and Classical Music Enhance baby s learning with this first-of-its-kind video created specifically to stimulate infants visually and audibly. Baby Smart Start- Images and Classical Music is designed to stimulate and hold the attention of your developing child as it helps train tracking, focusing, and attention span. APPROXIMATELY 30 MINUTES About Little Steps Carefully selected by a team of Educational experts, the Little Steps line represents award-winning content compiled for the first time in one complete box set. Our Multi-Sensory approach to learning is essential during the important years of your babies development, and will help them take their first steps towards success! Awards The Babyscapes products are endorsed by KIDS FIRST! And have been the proud recipients of the following awards: Parents Choice Silver Honor Dr. Toy s 10 Best Audio/Video Tapes Dr. Toy s 100 Best Children s Products The National Parenting Center s Seal of Approval« less