BIG Dissapointment!
Gloria Murdock | NH, USA | 05/23/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I bought this for my nephews. We use to rent this movie on VHS when they were very young. (They are in their twenties now.) They loved it. We must have paid for it many times over for the number of times we rented it at the video store. Anyway, when I saw it was on DVD I thought it would make a nice memory for them to share with their own families now. WRONG! Someone had the bright idea to change all the music in the movie, so the DVD soundtrack is not the same as the VHS movie. Who releases a DVD of an old VHS movie and changes the entire soundtrack? The music isn't even newer - it's older stuff and not as funny. The music in the original movie really added some great moments to the movie. The story is still the same, but not as good with the new music. DON'T BUY this DVD if you are looking for the original VHS movie. YOU WILL BE DISAPPOINTED! I also don't recall seeing any note in the movie description about the new soundtrack. I feel misled. From now on you can bet I will be checking the reviews more carefully on any future purchase, even if I think I know what I'm buying!"
Too Many Changes
Valcie Alex Nichols | Clearwater, FL | 01/23/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I bought two of these DVD's. One for myself and one for my sister. When we were younger we used to rent this on VHS almost every week and watch it. I'm not sure why we never bought it but we never did.
I was so excited to see that Little Marines was on DVD and available so I snatched up two of the as quick as I could. If I knew what I had coming, I never would have ordered them.
The handling of the package was terrible. Both DVD cases were literally crushed and in pieces. First thought? "Oh well, at least the DVD's aren't damaged". I understand that Amazon and the seller have nothing to do with the handling after UPS gets it but it still upset me. Maybe the DVD's could be packaged a little more secure instead of thrown into a small box.
Then when I popped the DVD in I was very disappointed. There are several points in the movie where the music was actually changed! I was pissed. I loved the original music and that is one of the main reasons I bought it. To put it in and find that the music had been dubbed over was very disappointing.
Oh well, what did I expect for $20."
Anton Tobias | The vast cornfields of the Midwest | 03/01/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Let's start at the beginning shall we? For the people who have seen this movie and are wondering why it has earned a five star rating with it's atrocious acting, a screenplay that lacks any real plot, and the end result seeming like the entire film was thrown together on a shoestring budget and filmed with a couple of camcorders. Yes...I agree, ordinarily this list of important downfalls would sink a movie instantly and have it's audience tuning out within the first fifteen minutes. Ironically, it was because of the film's obvious imperfections that I remained watching...let me explain. I was laughing at it!
The movie opens on the last day of school in a small redneck town, where it seems the only haircut acceptable by law is a mullet. One of the main characters receives a "paddling" from a teacher. Another appears to be in such a deep depression that one would think he is hosting cancer, as it turns out he has simply received a summer school referral. From the get-go this movie sets a snail's pace for the rest of the film to follow. Corny? Definitely! Amusing? Yes...that too.
The three main characters, Chris (the apparent leader of the three), Stevie, and Noah have planned a summer camping trip months in advance. The last day of school has come and gone as expected and the three set out on a summer camping trip that resembles something of a G-rated "Stand By Me". No foul language, no drugs (even when offered), no sex, no violence. Well...there is a single run-in with a paintball gun wielding, reform school student named "Snake" who temporarily terrorizes the three innocents before they manage to circumvent the pseudo violent troublemaker. Not exactly "Die Hard"-type action but for this film...I guess it will have to do.
The three boys set up camp, construct a teepee (against their Captain's original wishes) and take in all the joys that usually accompany a youthful, summer, camping expedition. Only problem...where is the plot? It's as if we are literally watching homemade movies of an anonymous family's summer vacation spent in the Arkansas woods. The characters seem to be working from a script only in a very general way. Even the dialogue seems spontaneous in parts...and no, not in a gifted actor kind of way.
Noah Williams, who plays Noah in the film, is too insecure in his role. Dorky and uncertain, he would have this reviewer believe that he is not portraying a character from a script but actually mirroring his real-life attitude and mannerisms. His weak attempts to incapably carry the heavy workload and responsibility of a protagonist's role in a film are obvious to those watching. The casting director (if there was one) must have fallen asleep the day of Noah Williams rehearsal. Without a doubt...most feeble figure in this film.
Stephen Baker (who portrays Stevie) and Steve Landers Jr. (Chris) on the other hand are acceptable and fun to watch work together. The characters they depict in this film are believable and entertaining. Stephen Baker (who shaves his head into a mohawk and dances to Dion's version of "The Wanderer" early in the film) displays a fine acting talent. He is confident, he doesn't overcompensate, and most importantly...he is believable in his role. Which is the primary goal of any actor to achieve when filming a movie. Bottom line: Stephen Baker delivers.
And so does his co-star, who shares the same first name...Steve Landers Junior. Undoubtedly, it's his participation in the film that helps retain the vitality of the script and the comfortable flow of dialogue between characters. His role as "Captain" is appropriate being that its his presence and ambitious attitude that keeps the movie constantly moving foreword.
Both these young actors should be credited for their hard work, noted for their talent, and praised for picking up Noah Williams slack.
All in all...The Little Marines is a movie that entertains but not in a way people would consider theatrical. More like...watching neighborhood kids play. The quality of the storyline is there, but the film's unfortunate cheesiness and lame humor is what keeps this movie from being taken seriously. Fun? Yes...but not what you would call "movie magic". A.J. Hixon's hit or miss film takes us for a mediocre, ninety minute adventure that fails to leave much of an impression even after the film's predictable last scare."