"Day and night, never ceasing, the Big City broadcasts its call to all the land - the call to power, to wealth, to fame. Day and night, through the land, youth tunes in on the Big City's call, and grows restless..." — Mary ... more »Barry (Gladys Walton) dreams of going to New York to become famous and when answering a magazine ad, she believes she has found her chance. However, the publisher, D.V. Cortelyou (Coit Albertson), is a wolf leaving despoiled innocence in his wake. Luckily she meets Jack McGuire (Niles Welch), an unemployed reporter, who is out to save Mrs. Howard Young (Mary Thurman) from one of Cortelyou's extortion schemes. Jack will have to scramble to protect Mary's innocence and Mrs. Young's reputation because Cortelyou has called in his henchmen.
54 Minutes with a theatre organ score by David Knudtson
Included short:
"GRANDPA'S BOY"with Malcolm Sebastian as Big Boy - 14 minutes« less