We open with Lionel's classic steam switchers from the scale and semi-scale switchers of the Prewar Era to the high-tech models of the Modern Era. We check out Lionel's irresistible operating and action cars the Milk and C... more »attle Cars, the Merchandise Car, Poultry Dispatch, and more. Lionel's iconic F3 in different color combinations, including some never produced. We also show what trains and accessories would have looked like had they been produced as pictured in the catalog. See Steve Strauss' sensational Lionel Postwar layout built from beginning to end, and Wayne Koebel's extensive Postwar and Prewar collection and layout. The latest Lionel Vision and Classics Line locomotives in action, plus operating tips and more. Another jam-packed issue filled with the exciting wall-to-wall Lionel train action you've come to expect from TM's Lionel Nation series. Bonus Featurette, Part 2
Original 16mm color film shot in the 50s of the layouts and collections of TCA charter members.« less