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P. D. A. WALDER | West Sussex, United Kingdom | 08/24/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This film is very good for effects from natural disasters, (lightning storms in this film) to the relationship between a father and his son. I am a big fan of John Schneider way back to his Dukes of Hazzard days, and recently brought Night Of The Twisters another natural disaster film starring John so I could not wait to get this release to. It is amazing that lightning storms like this could happen though hopefully not, and the destruction that can occur from it. The film was made in 2000 and even though it does not contain any extras it is still worth getting. So if your a John Schneider fan or a person who likes natural disaster movies then I absolutely reccomend it and buying the Night Of The Twisters DVD to."
Shockingly Great Flick!
Dufus | Arizona, USA | 02/24/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I like disaster films and bought this on a lark, but I was sure surprised at how good this TV film is! It struck me that the acting is very good and the two teens are superb. All-in-all well worth the money and time to watch and enjoy a good for the whole family film. Bolt out now and buy this! (All puns intended!)"
Great movie
Samantha M. Matteau | 01/09/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Enjoyed the movie greatly and spoke of families sticking together and listening to each other. A must see."
Lightning: fire from the sky
B5 fan | Cabot, Ark USA | 06/15/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a real good movie with diseaster type action. Worth watching more than once."
Betsy Heimbuch | 07/12/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie was not just fiction - some of the events mentioned can happen to anyone. When I was living in Kansas I was sitting on my sofa with my feet on a glass coffee table w/metal bottom. The sky was cloudy but there were no storms in the area. All of a sudden a lightning bolt came through the window. I had just taken my feet off the coffee table and the bolt hit that metal and danced around the room. Truly frightening. In 1932 my grandmother was hanging out her wash on on of those old metal clothes lines. The sky was beautiful. A lightning bolt struck the lines and hit my grandmother. A neighbor saw it and rolled her in dirt which saved her life. She was disabled with a heart condition for the rest of her life. Lightning is dangerous.
This movie shows how dangerous it is and it is not all fiction. It was excellent and I really appreciated the producer showing how smart our kids really are. Whether there can be a hundred year storm and some of the other incidents portrayed I do not know.
This is a good movie for not only adults but kids. I would use it as a teaching tool to help kids understand lightning, what to do in a thunderstorm and do it in a way that will stick forever.