Certain sauces give me a rash.
Jacob H. Huebert | Ohio, United States | 01/15/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"_Get a Life_ might just be my favorite show ever, but I'm not going to shell out for these discs with a mere 4 episodes. Issue a complete set, and I'll advance order it the second I hear about it. And while you're at it, include a commentary track for each episode by Chris Peterson and Gus Borden. Thanks."
Far ahead of its time
Larry Carney | Michigan | 08/07/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Airing around the same time The Simpsons started, I always thought the two shows had nearly identical humor, however The Simpsons went on to unprecedented success while Get a Life feebly crawled at the bottom of the ratings for two years before being cancelled. I always thought that if Get a Life had been animated then it would have shared in the success enjoyed by The Simpsons. Maybe a real, live, in-the-flesh Chris Elliott was a little too creepy for the mainstream audiences.
Anyway, Get a Life continues the style of humour Chris Elliott developed on the old David Letterman show -- a weirdly skewed outlook and a hilariously twisted delivery combined with (at the time) a comic take that was as strange as it was fresh.
While it is disappointing that there are only four episodes on this DVD (including the funniest TV episode I have ever seen: "The Prettiest Day of My Life" where Chris becomes "Sparkles" a male model who finds himself exposed to the seedier side of modeling. Trust me, you have to see it to believe it.), four episodes are better than none.
Maybe with the recent releases of DVD collections of what seems to be every TV show ever made, someone will get wise and release the complete collection of Get a Life (hopefully with the option volume one here offers of turning off the laugh track)."
Barebones dvd of a hysterical but cancelled sitcom
audrey | white mtns | 10/26/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Chris Elliott is a real loser -- a paperboy who lives in his parents' garage and .... well, isn't that enough? Each week for almost a month he'd get himself into some silly predicament because his vision of the world was so weirdly skewed. Like scratching $60 together so he can enroll in the Pretty Boy Modelling School, or falling in love with the woman who runs over him, or finding the most disgusting alien ever to set foot in our atmosphere. The supporting cast is great, and the scripts are quite funny.There is absolutely nothing extra here except one longish uncut scene. You may also view the episodes with the original audio or without a laugh track.It's great to see this very funny though short-lived sitcom available on dvd."
Hilarious but NOT ENOUGH
Larry Carney | 11/25/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"There is nothing funnier than Chris Elliott on this DVD but a mere 4 episodes is a joke. Please provide more and you're likely to get more buyers."