All good things...
D. Knouse | vancouver, washington United States | 06/18/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Well, the series ends with this DVD in a great finale filled with adventure and deep emotion. No, I'm not being sarcastic. Here are the episodes:4.21 Viva Lexx Vegas--This is the kind of slip-shod episode that eventually sank the series. The story is ridiculous, even for this show, the editing is extremely poor as are the makeup effects for the giant zombie killing-machine loose in a Las Vegas Hotel. The only reason I will ever watch this episode again will be to see Xenia Seeberg (aka "Xev") dressed up as Cleopatra. She looks amazing! Otherwise, throw this episode in the trash.4.22 Trip--This is an interesting and entertaining episode where the crew are given a gift from Lyekka in the form of two poisonous berries that initially bring on euphoria, then homicidal paranoia. This one had me on edge and filled with genuine concern for Stan and Xev. That is the sign of a special episode, for me. When I completely forget that I am watching a show and become involved in the story and where the characters are going. That happens in this episode.4.23 Lyekka vs. Japan--This episode is a fairly lame attempt at a parody of Godzilla films. Most of this particular episode is forgettable. There are a few decent special effects that recommend its viewing, but in the end this episode is simply mediocre by Lexx standards.4.24 Yo Way Yo--The makers of the show once again gun for a return for a fifth season with a fantastic episode. This is probably the finest episode in season 4, and the only episode in the entire Lexx catalog that actually made me tear up during a very moving scene where Kai flies alone, deep into the alien Mother craft with a particle-accelerator set for detonation. Prince grants Kai his wish to be alive, and as Kai makes his way to the heart of the vessel he begins singing the theme song to the show "Yo Way Yo" which is only sung by his race of warrior-poets when going into battle expecting to die. I actually got chills! This is a great series. For every lame moment or bad story there were ten spectacular moments and mesmerizing/hilarious stories that smothered them. I will remember the best of this series, fondly.Take it easy. Yo Way Yo!"
Journey's End? Sadly, yes...
Anonymouse | 01/03/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"In these, the last 4 episodes of the weird, wonderful, irreverent, sexy, totally off-the-wall show we call LEXX, the story comes to an end...or does it?
LEXX isn't for everyone; it tends to grow on you. Fans of Farscape who haven't discovered LEXX yet will probably enjoy it. So will anyone who likes one-liners, such as this example from LEXX 4.17, "Dutch Treat" (LEXX S4 Vol. 5, also available from, of course):
Bunny: "Aren't there people there?" (i.e. in Holland, which LEXX is about to eat)
Prince: "Of course. But they're Dutch - they're used to suffering."
Anyway, the episodes:
4.21 Viva LEXX Vegas - the crew go to Vegas for a little R&R, though for Kai (Michael McManus) it's more of a busman's holiday as he encounters an undead philosopher-poet whom he assassinated thousands of years ago. Stan (Brian Downey), as usual, passes the time with close encounters of the fleshy kind. Xev (the ultra-hot Xenia Seeberg) finds a new vocation: televised female cage fights. Down, boys!
4.22 Trip - a present from the world-devouring entity calling itself Lyekka (remember her? "Smooth 'round the bend"?) sends Xev and Stan...well, round the bend, to be honest. Bad berries cause Stan and Xev, aided and abetted by Prince (Nigel Bennet) and 790 (Jeffrey Hirschfield), to think each is trying to kill the other - a self-fulfilling prophecy, as it turns out...
4.23 Lyekka vs. Japan - you'd think Tokyo would've learnt its lesson by now, wouldn't you? First there was Godzilla; then Rodan; the Mothra; now, in an obvious mickey-take of those old classics - Lyekka!
The killer carrots have sampled Earth's delicacies, i.e. its people, and pronounced them delicious - so now Lyekka (the utterly gorgeous Louise Wischermann - if all Brazil's ladies are like that, I want to move there!) is heading for Earth with lunch (and dinner, and supper, and breakfast, and so on) on her mind. Look out, Japan!
4.24 Yo Way Yo - the LEXX has reached the end of its natural life, and has gone senile - giving 790 (who is by now not merely obsessed, but has crossed the line into true evil) certain very nasty ideas involving him, the LEXX and a certain Little Blue Planet.
As the bulk of Lyekka's invasion force fastens onto Earth, Prince keeps his word (for once) and, as he promised (see LEXX 4.18, "The Game"), restores Kai to real life - at the worst possible time, because he's busy risking everything to save the Earth!
But all is not lost; there's a delightful surprise twist at the end, though you might see it coming if you watch "Dutch Treat" carefully. It answers a question posed on the cover of the DVD I'm reviewing; I won't tell you which one as it'll spoil the surprise.
All in all, a worthy climax to a groundbreaking show. Like all such shows, it did have some less than stellar episodes, but mostly it was first class. The CGI effects were always obvious, but with such excellent storylines and wonderful performances, who cares? Definitely a show for people who like their SF coming from way out in left field. Fans - buy it if you haven't already, you'll love it. Newbies - I'd recommend you start with the first film, "I Worship His Shadow"; it'll make a lot more sense then. But there's something for everybody in LEXX, a story that - in the end - is about Kai, last of the Brunnen-G, a story that in a sense ends much as it began. Watch "I Worship His Shadow", then "Yo Way Yo", and you'll see what I mean. Enjoy!