Lexx drifts into new territory in the third season when the giant insect-ship and its motley crew awaken from a 4,000-year hibernation circling a pair of planets locked in orbit and gripped in war. Hot-blooded Xev (Xenia... more » Seeberg, the show's answer to Angelina Jolie) falls for the cunning Prince (sinister and seductive Nigel Bennett) of the desert planet Fire, while dead-man-walking Kai is adopted by the passive, pleasure-loving inhabitants of cool, clear Water. The four uncut episodes in this collection launch a season-long interplanetary epic of love, war, betrayal, and seduction, the latter complete with nudity unseen on TV broadcasts. The writing is inconsistent, but the goofy humor and villainous plots add enough odd bounces to keep it interesting, and the inventive set designs and digital effects (more imaginative than convincing) create a unique world for the series. The final episode ends on a cliffhanger concluded in Lexx 3.2. --Sean Axmaker« less
"I was one of the ones who frowned at the series when it first aired on the Sci-Fi channel, but for some reason I started picking up the DVD's with Season 2, and found it to be actually enjoyable and now I've just picked up S3-V1, and while it has a new spin on the series (season three has a continuing story format divided into 13 chapters) I found the unedited scenes to be quite a surprise.Where Season two had a few almost passive nude or suggestive scenes, season three has a few scenes that are not recommended for younger viewers. While cut out or re-formatted for airing on the Sci-Fi channel, there are some scenes especially in "Gametown" & "Boomtown" which uses some rather extensive waist-up female nude scenes, and not just in passing either, some rather touch-feely type stuff. Don't get me wrong, I don't see anything wrong with it (I actually found myself pausing once or twice) it's just not recommended for the younger audiences is all.As for the stories themselves, they are very well told, and the nude scenes that exist fit very well into the story. And what's great about season three, while it helps to have seen season two, you don't HAVE to have seen it (unlike where you had to follow the movies to catch onto the early season two episodes).I believe (like with many cult series') that LEXX will have a greater following now that the series is ended."
It just gets better and better!!
Leigh A. Barrett | Chicago, IL USA | 04/27/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Lexx seems to be one of those love it/hate it shows, and I'm finding more and more that those who hate it haven't watched an episode entirely through. Marvelously tongue-in-cheek and flawlessly acted (no, really! It takes real skill and talent to pull this stuff off!), Lexx deserves the following it has received. The producers' decision to release the series in 4-episode (uncut versions) DVD's with an ongoing making-of documentary is one of the most welcome release formats I've seen for a TV series. Two episodes per disc (as many other series releases are trying) just don't justify a DVD purchase for me -- if you can fit four, I prefer it for the less space taken up on my shelf.This first disc of "series 3" is the "Fire and Water" series, which introduces one of the series' most intriguing characters, Prince of Fire (Nigel Bennett), who the producers wisely revived for the final Series 4, now airing. What made you turn it off the first time? The irritating robot head? Stanley Tweedle's juvenile attempts at sex? Kai's bad poetry? Try it again. You will find a hilariously true satire of life on our own planet."
The Joy of LEXX
Nicole Morrissette | Londonderry, NH United States | 04/13/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"You don't have to watch the movies or Series 2 to enjoy LEXX Series 3 (though it does help) to enjoy the naughty humor and actions of the LEXX crew. After being frozen in cryo-stasis for more than 4,000 years, the crew are awaken by Prince, the immortal ruler of Fire, one of the planets the LEXX is orbiting, the other planet being Water. Xev is manipulated and Stan is tortured, leaving Kai to rescue them (as usual), first having to repair a damaged 790, who then forgets Xev and falls in-love with the dead man.
Put the kids to bed and keep the volume down as you watch this imaginative sci-fi series. You'll fall in-love with Kai, Xev and Stan the more you watch, and you'll want to see more once to see these first 4 episodes."
The Introduction to Heaven and Hell
Lotus | Waipahu, Hi United States | 04/20/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD contains the first four episodes of season 3 and as a Lexx fan I must admit this is my favorite season. After defeating Mantrid and destroying the light universe Stan, Kai and Xev freeze themselves and drift into the dark zone. When they awake we find them in episode one of season 3 "Fire and Water," in which they they are unfrozen by Prince the soon to be nemesis of the Lexx crew and leader of the Fire planet. In the first episode the crew is introduced to two planets called Fire and Water which is a alter-ego of the ideal of Heaven and Hell with a re-incarnation twist. If your a fan of the T.V. series on the Sci-Fi channel in the U.S. you will find more female nudity. Another added extra on this DVD is the behind the scenes feature, which has interviews with Brian Downey(Stan), Micheal Mcmanus (Kai), and the director of the 4 episodes."
Compelling viewing.
S Smyth | Belfast, Co Antrim United Kingdom | 04/05/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Lexx has been adrift for more than two thousand years after its escape from the cataclysmic end of the light-universe. Once again, our heroes are in the Dark Zone, this time in cryostasis, orbiting the atmospherically co-joined binary planet system Fire and Water.From the planet Fire, Prince and his henchmen hot-air balloon up to the Lexx, disable 790, and leave with Stan and Xev to go down to Prince Town on Fire. Kai, who was left aboard the Lexx wakes up from cryostasis and finds and reactivates 790. After boot-up 790 now considers itself Kai's love-slave, and tells Kai all about Prince and what he's done, but unable to say where he's gone with Stan and Xev. The Lexx isn't much help either, because its power reserves are almost totally depleted due to a lack of food. And, to make matters worse, all the moths have died, so there's no way to go and look for anyone on the planets below. So Kai - being dead already - decides to throw himself of the Lexx's superstructure and fall all the way down to Water, to see if Stan and Xev might be there....The opening scene in which Prince and his crew fly up to and then board the Lexx is terrific. The music is as gorgeous as always. And the episodes have their good and bad points, as usual, with slow parts and logical and inter-episodic / series contradictions. But the highlights keep it compelling viewing, and I love it all the same."