Istvan | USA | 01/07/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I Have Seen every show on this DVD on SCI-FI channel
and they are some of the best i've ever seen
The Net is probably the most confusing lexx episode so far
It is almost a futuristic taste of the movie vanilla sky
Episode 2.18 Brigadoom" is my favorite LEXX yet The desperate flight of the Lexx is interrupted by the appearance of a floating building. The strains of the Brunnen-G battle cry reach Xev's ears and her curiosity is roused. Xev, Kai and Stan find an empty theatre that springs to life when Stan knocks over a tambourine. The Master of Ceremonies informs them that a performance is about to begin, and since the theatre exists outside of space and time, they will be impervious to the encroaching doom that follows them. Musical drama then unfolds as the story of the Brunnen-G is played out in song: all is revealed in glorious musical fashion.
The next episode 2.19 "Brizon" This episode is very interesting and probably just as suspensful as the others The Crew is faced with increasingly limited options for survival, the crew sends out a distress call for help in the fight against Mantrid. At first it seems as if their prayers are answered when they get a response from none other than Brizon, His Shadow's former Supreme bio-vizier and Mantrid's mentor. But Brizon has his own agenda: first and foremost, prolonging his own miserable existence. This he does by gaining control over Kai and attaching himself in a most unpleasant parasitic fashion to Xev. He does, however, have a plan to stop Mantrid.
and finally the Last episode
of series/season 2 is: 2.20
"The End of the Universe"
Mantrid's drone arms are everywhere, even inside the ship. Lyekka's pod gets damaged by the vicious things, and no place is safe. 790 is hooked up to a captured arm - and lo, the robot head-with-an-arm begins to create his own drone army. But it is too little too late. Even Lyekka does her best, but is no match for Mantrid. Finally, the crew manages to trick Mantrid into shifting all his drone arms - quadrillions of them - towards the ship. The resulting shift in mass and gravitational fields results in a reverse big bang. And season/series 3 starts here!
Yippie Only 13 Episodes till Season 4! :-) :-}"
Lexx at its best
J. Lindsay | Vancouver | 06/27/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is brilliant and imaginative sci fi at its best. Funny, fast paced and wierd all at the same time. It is not your conventional tv show but maybe that is one of the things that makes it stand out. In the web, probably the weakest episode of the 4, the Lexx crew is abandoning the galaxy to escape Mantrid. With numerous clips borrowed from the episode The Net, you might feel a bit jipped when you watch it. But don't worry, the next episode, briggadoom, is one of the most clever and enjoyable hours of tv ever aired. If you liked the Buffy musical then you will love this. The music in it is much better and it was produced 3 years before Buffy made her attempt on the mic. On to Brizon, definately one of the more disturbing episode of Lexx. It also is one of the funniest ones to. The guy who played Brizon is absolutely creepy and he has a verbal spar with Mantrid that made me almost pee my pants. It is a definate gem. An then finally, on to the one that we had been waiting for all year, The End of the Universe. The Lexx's showdown with Mantrid. It is everything that makes Lexx great. A definate season stopper that also happened to put an end to the light zone, their universe. The long build up did not disapoint at the climax and if you are a Lexx fan and have yet to see these episodes, then get a move on. You will watch them over and over"
"I destroyed a Universe!!!"
D. Knouse | vancouver, washington United States | 05/22/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The immortal words of Mantrid echo forever in The Dark Zone. There is a reason this final volume of four episodes is averaging a solid 5 stars. Here are the episodes:2.17 The Net--This is a longer, much more satisfying version of the previous episode entitled "The Web." There was so much unanswered in "The Web" that the entire episode drew negative criticism in my last review. But "The Net" is far superior with even more great visual effects and sub-plotting that fills in the holes of the last, inferior version, completely. More than once I thought, "Oh...now that makes more sense." This version is also creepier.2.18 Brigadoom--This is the type of episode that elevates The Lexx to cult status and beyond. A theater appears out of nowhere and the three main members of the crew(for some reason 790 is absent from this episode) hop in a Moth to investigate. Once inside both Kai and Xev join in a musical production based on the history of Kai and his people. Stanley wants no part of the proceedings but by the end of the episode he is singing along with the large cast in a final ensemble number. Brilliant!2.19 Brizon--This episode is, without a doubt, the most disturbing of the entire Second Series. Just remembering the slimy character, Brizon, makes me cringe with disgust. He is manipulative and sly, all the while making Stan and Xev lose their collective appetites. The story of Mantrid gets more backstory with this episode, as well, as we learn that Mantrid was once protege to the cunning Brizon. I was sincerely concerned for the crew in this episode, even though in the back of my mind I knew there are two more seasons to go. This is The Lexx at its ghoulish best!2.20 End of the Universe--The season comes to a close with a fantastic collection of superb visual effects and outstanding character-acting from the entire cast. The makers of this series really push for another season on this one, with an intricate story, an explosive ending, and a passage into an unknown Universe filled with potential for more adventure.See you in The Dark Zone in season 3."