A True Experience For The Whole Family...
Ambergris | New England.....USA | 10/30/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This Lewis and Clark documentary is the very finest I have ever come across on the fascinating trek of these two explorers. Even for people like myself that have a deep interest in American history, particularly the old west, it is a perilous and well documented journey that so few people seem to know anything about, beyond the name of it. And yet it is in my opinion a journey inside American history in its rawest, truest form. This documentary does a wonderful job of presenting the L@C expedition in what I refer to as its natural habitat. That is to say, there is very little, if anything, in it that is conjecture, politicized, whitewashed, or just plain ridiculous. (Believe me, I have seen many documentaries on the opening of the west that were).
The L@C expedition remains something that was realized decades before the west as we know it from movies and television ever came into existence. And thus for many, it will be something of a journey into a time in our history where they have never set foot before. For far too many of us, even history buffs, American history seems to take some time off, or just skip over a few decades between the revolution, and the Civil War. Like nothing really much in the way of interest or historical significance took place during that time worth mentioning. One statistic that comes out very near the beginning of this documentary that brought a snapshot of US at that time into crystal clear focus, is that in 1804, when L@C began their expedition, a full 80% of all the people that inhabited the US lived within 100 miles of the east coast. (Taking into account the population of Indians that we knew about as well). Very few people realize how not only concentrated the population was then, but how much of the vast country remained uninhabited, and unexplored. This documentary is done in a patient, sweeping, lavish style covering everything from the very essence of the idea of such an expedition by then president Thomas Jefferson, to the aftermath, and ultimate fate of L@C themselves. It is a documentary you will watch, and then watch again perhaps years later. But definitely will you watch it again and again.
I would be less than honest if I was to suggest that this is the best documentary on the subject that exists. For truthfully, there is just so few of them available that I have only watched two others. Amazon carries a hefty amount of DVDs on the subject, but only two that consist of a total recounting of the expedition specifically, and in its entirety. (There is one more, but it is a mere 46 minutes long. Hardly enough time to recount a 2 year expedition of discovery) The others are: National Geographic - Lewis & Clark - Great Journey West and "The Trail" Lewis & Clark Expedition 1803-1806. I have seen them both, and neither compares to the depth and perception of this wonderful and fulfilling documentary. Both of them put together are barely half as long as this one.
Whether you are someone that has an interest in the early years of our country and its exploration, or if you are a person that has never even heard of L@C before, I highly recommend this documentary for owning. It is fascinating, brilliant, consummate, and overall a true masterpiece worth your time and money. It is not easy at all to find in stores, so I also highly recommend you buy it here...