Extreme Disappointment in a Great Guitar Player
The Electric Man | Sedona,AZ | 02/20/2010
(1 out of 5 stars)
"First off let me explain one thing. I grew up loving Mountain and Leslie West as a guitar player has influenced my life. I believe that the guitar solo on Theme From An Imaginery Western is one of the greatest solo's in the history of Blues/Rock music. Being a guitar player I cannot put this solo on without being tremendously moved every time. Leslie West is a Great/Good guitar player and has influenced many including myself.
Before I get to the Video I want to say that I recommend buying any Mountain CDs or any of the Leslie West solo project CDs on the market. I dig his music.
Now the video.
I really cannot express my disappointment in having spent money on this trash video. Not only is Leslie West a crass individual but the remarks made throughout the video are pretty disgusting. Including telling the viewers to go F*** themselves at the end. That really made me feel good after spending my hard earned money on this video. The video is filled with nothing except watching Leslie sit on a stool and as he refer's to a few times, playing the guitar is like jerking off. Again I was extremely disappointed in Leslie as a person, right down to the strip club where he must have a seat bought and paid for from sales of this trash.
I would in no way want a young new inspired guitar player to see this video and think this is what it's all about. Playing the guitar is one thing but a lifestyle choice and what you portray to young people as a role model is another.
Do not waste your time or money on this shabbily, and disappointing thrown together video. I tell it the way it is, and this is nothing but trash."
Don't Waste Your Money
Robert E. Cooper | Ft. Lauderdale, FL | 10/10/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"OMG, this is one of the worst DVDs I've ever had the misfortune of seeing. If you already play, this will be one big waste of both time AND money. If you're a Leslie West fan like I was, you won't be after you see this. You will learn NOTHING from this DVD other than how to play Mississippi Queen (which is pretty basic anyway). All he does for over 100 minutes is jam in the key of E or A. He has NO chops to speak of. Leslie admits he knows very little about music and mostly plays with only two fingers (slowly) - and that's exactly what comes across on this video. He's vulgar on this video and takes us into a strip club next door. He promises to show you how the studio works, his pedal board, amps, etc., but never does. He even repeats his story of how he started playing in another section, word for word. He must be getting Alzheimer's.
It's a shame, as I WAS a fan. I'm sorry I saw this piece of junk. I can't say it enough - you'll get absolutely nothing from this video except an empty wallet. There are far better videos out there to learn from, from "real" guitar players like Yngwie Malmsteen, Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, Joe Pass, in fact anyone except Leslie West. You'd figure after all these years of playing, he'd actually learn how. I'd have no problem on stage with him, and I don't consider myself anything special.
Wow, if his intent was to show how to NOT make a video, than he succeeded! Run!"
Entertaining and Informative!
Dale | Hillsborough,N.J. USA | 09/17/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you can play, and you like Leslie West, you'll enjoy this DVD. You're not going to learn to play the guitar using this Video. He stresses "Tone is everything" and basically that's true. You don't have to be the best player in the world, but with great tone, you can do just fine. There is some cool stuff where he goes over the Amps and Effects he uses, and I love his humor! He tells you how he gets as much as possible playing the Pentatonic and Blues Scale. I got a kick out of one of his lines "Fenders are good on cars". He's always been a diehard Gibson guy, although I have seen him using Steinbergers,and Dean Guitars. He plays "Mississippi Queen", and "Theme" slowly, so you can see what he's doing. For the price of the video, it is worth it."
Guitar Hero Leslie West shares his sound
Russell Penn | EUGENE, OR, US | 12/25/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I'm a Leslie West Fan from way back and a rock/blues guitar player. I had fun with this video and Lelie's sense of humor in presenting an assortment of methods of geting that great guitar tone. His insights to obtaining his vibrato style was helpful. The best part of the video is where Leslie breaks down how to play "Mississippi Queen." He doen't get very technical in terms of effects, amp, etc.,and more on guitar technique and attitude.
Id say "Buy it" if you like Mountain and want to enter the world of Leslie West. I saw Leslie recently at the West Fest 40th Woodstock Reunion. He still plays a nasty sounding "Mississippi Queen". Take what you can from the DVD and get inspired a bit. That what guitar can do.
Russ Penn"