A decent film worth looking into...
maskedgamer | 08/23/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Legend of the tsunami warrior seems to mix in a little bit of everything. Pirates,Ninjas,Martial Arts,Aqua Man, romance, drama, etc...etc... it's all here. For what the film is it's pretty entertaining. I can't say anything truly bad about it. It has a lot of action and special effects, and the acting is on par with the typical acting you'd expect from an action movie like this. The films is also lengthy about 2hrs or so but it actually feels longer since there is so much happening. Matter of fact I think that's the only part about this movie where anything can be taken away from it. There is just too much going on in the movie.
There's about 5 different plots and sub plots all happening on film at once. Trying to follow the main story is a bit hard because you can't figure out just what is the main story. Is it about Wizards? Is it about revenge? Is it about romance? just what is this film about. I'm still asking myself haven seen it and I still don't have the answer. My advice to anyone watching the movie is to pick a character and follow their story. It's almost like a Choose your adventure story. You can pick The body guard,the Queen, The Princess, The Canon Engineer, The young Wizard,The Old Wizard, The Pirate king, I mean just pick one. All of their stories get about equal play time in this movie (I picked the Queen I liked her outfit).
Basically to anyone interested in this movie the first thing you need to know is that it's subtitled, and that it was made in Thailand and has a heavy influence of Eastern Culture. If your not into those types of movies than right of the type you won't enjoy this film... however if you don't mind a little culture shock, than like me you will probably find the film entertaining.
There's really no comparison to this film. It just branches off into too many directions. The mains story is about a Young man who is born with the power to control the sea. He has a gift for a magic art called "Dun Lum" that allows him to do this. The young man grows up in a humble and peaceful village. When he is older he finds himself wanting to protect the things he loves so he joins a group of local towns people who ward off pirates. Some stuff happens and he finds himself looking after the village inventor who has many secrets that lead him to the adventure that turns him into the Tsunami Warrior.
That is the bases of the plot the rest you'll figure out on your own should you decide to watch the movie. I recommend checking the film out it's on the level of a Pirates of the Caribbean with the action sequences cinematography. The feel of the film isn't cheap but there's some effects that you have seen done better (which some reviews nag about). It you watch this expecting an entertaining action film that is what you will get because that is just what this film is. Don't try to pick it apart or try to fill in all the holes. Just enjoy the film for what it is.
I recommend renting this film to see if you like it before adding it to your collection."
It was fun to watch
Trinity | CO USA | 08/29/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My wife and I enjoyed it. It was a kick in the pants since it was nice break from typical chop suey flicks
It was nice to get something different that was entertaining.
Glad we added it to our collection."