Finaly this OVA gets a DVD realese
Mr. Anthony Frazer | UK | 09/30/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Im a anime veiwer from the UK and picked this DVD up on import.
first impression on this disc was a nice menu system with a picture of the black dragon in the background with rain and thunder crashing down, this was a nice feature as for the extras they were ok not great but acceptable for the age of the OVA
as im from the UK the first thing i noticed was the opeing credites was different from the one i was familier with but the artwork seemed realy nice.
onto the feature this disc picks up were under fire left off gozan is still after the dragon kings blood this time he captures the dragon kings cousen matsuri and her parents and lead the kings into a war games firing ground were all havoc breaks loose
the second episode with out giving spoilers the dragon kings and there cousen decide to go to their local fun park and what do you know more trouble awaits them their, i cant tell too much about this one as it may spoil.
from the dvd i can see the animation looks alot sharper and much clearer sound as well as a 5 channel sound track has been added in as in the US you only got the subbed version of this the new Dub will be a welcome to this dvd were as i gave it 4 stars becasue it is not the oringal english dub but a brand new one this making it confusing for me as i have to warm to all the charicters again on the whole a must buy"