This three-part OAV is set in the same universe as Record of Lodoss War, but there's little overlap between the stories. The choppy and often difficult-to-follow narrative traces the effort to resurrect the evil wizard-kin... more »g Barbas. Opposing the attempt are Sir Redon and his retinue, a dark elf, the twins Irim and Kirim, and assorted other warriors. The characters wander through Crystania as the story builds to the inevitable confrontation in which Barbas is defeated not by Redon, but King Ashram, who's spent the last 300 years trapped in the World of Chaos. The filmmakers fail to give the characters distinct identities: at the end of "A New Beginning," Kirim turns into a swan who will carry souls to paradise, but the viewer has no idea how or why he's making this transition. Unrated; suitable for ages 12 and up: Violence, grotesque imagery. --Charles Solomon« less
"As has been said by previous reviewers, Legend of Crystania is not a sequel to Record of Lodoss Wars, although it appears to bill itself as such. While the names of Lord Ashrom and the dark elf Pirotess are employed, and the hero bears a striking resemblance to Parn of RLW, that is where the similarities end.The animation is average at best. The voice acting is somewhere between indifferent and poor, and the character depictions flat terrible. The dark elf acts nothing like any dark elf I've ever seen or read about. Another character is apparently meant to be a berserker, but is only a pale shadow of what he could or should be.All these problems notwithstanding, the story somehow holds together and manages to retain the viewer's interest. By the end, you may actually find yourself hoping that Ashrom and Pirotess at last have a chance for mutual happiness. Weak as it is, Legend of Crystania does work.If you approach this DVD hoping it will be a continuation of the Lodoss War saga, you will be disappointed. However, if you can set that preconception aside and accept Legend of Crystania as a sword and sorcery tale entirely its own, you may find it a surprisingly satisfying story.Recommended, but just barely."
It ain't Lodoss, but I think that's a good thing
John A. Kuczma | 07/03/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Trying to compare this to Record of Lodoss War is neearly impossible. Lodoss War had an entire 13 part series to flesh out its universe. So you shouldn't try to compare them. It is also not any sort of sequel to Lodoss War, rather a kind of offshoot. The biggest mistake they did with this movie was advertising it as a Lodoss War followup, because the biggest problem people have with it is it isn't a followup at all. The movie itself is very good. A lot of people were turned off by the animation, but I thought it suited the storyline well (a bit darker of a look then Lodoss). There are a lot of great action sequences and enough of a storyline to hold things together. If you're looking for another Lodoss War then I suggest you might want to look for the upcoming tv series, this is a different story and a different feel. Redon is a kid who will get emotional at times and is more naive then even Parn was. His goals at the start are FAR from pure and he is not noble at all, atleast at the start. And it is fairly brutal, although not anywhere near the real brutal anime movies like Fist of the North Star. And last but not least, Ashrom and Piroteuse are portrayed differently then in Lodoss (and I must note here that this is 300 years after the events in Lodoss and I would have to think the characters would change a bit, especially due to how much they care for each other). Purist fanatics need not apply to this movie. I would rate this 4 and half stars if it was avaiable, but since it isn't I'll mark it up to 5.The bottom line is if you're the type of person who hates anything different from the established and are a purist Lodoss War fan, you'll probably despise this. I've actually checked the net and the reviews vary from "perfect 5 star movie", usually unbiased reviewers, to "avoid this like the plague", usually die hard Lodoss fans. If you want a good fantasy movie though this is a good one to pick up. I said it once and I'll say it again you don't need every story to be the same thing over and over again and I like the way Crystania seperates itself from Lodoss."
Could be great but has major flaws...
loraina | Hicksville, WA USA | 01/30/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Down to the point, Legend of Crystania isn't a complete flop. Truthfully, the story could have been very good and captivating. It however isn't back to the old loved style of Record of Lodoss War. The animation can look wonderful at times, but usually lacks color and has very thick, black lines for details. As for the story, it seems a bit rushed and lacks depth in character. The main characters don't have real personalities and thus, you don't get attached to them. The story is pretty good, but it takes time and effort to figure out the whole story. After watching it, you feel empty, and the story just doesn't make since, like bits and pieces were left out. It does add a bit more to the Lodoss Saga and is worth you time at least. So all in all, Legend of Crystania isn't great due to rushed story and very unrealistic characters... But before you just blow it off, you should at least rent it and see it for yourself."
Poor animation disappoining plot....
Francis | germany | 04/07/2000
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Actually I always and still want to buy Record of Lodoss War, but because in Germany they didn't have the English Version I discovered Legend of Crystania and thought it might be a good replacement for Lodoss War. But no, instead we got this flop.I was very disappointed in this movie.I mean I've read some Fantasy stories myself and found most of them very, very suspenseful and exciting. What disappoints me most is the animation of the characters. Just look at the colors; almost lifeless and without emotion. Okay, the plot for a fantasy is quite okay, but not as suspenseful as I have hoped for. You can be lucky that I'm a reasonable person, otherwise I'd give this movie only 2 stars."
This movie was simply awful.
Francis | 04/02/2000
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I thought Record of Lodoss War was fantastic on many levels. However Crystania bears virtually no relation to Lodoss at all other than the fact that Ashram and Pirotesse are in it. When did Pirotesse become a weakling that couldn't defend herself? When did Ashram become one of the good guys? The animation is as similiar to Lodoss as Peanuts is to Disney's Fantasia. I have to disagree with the other reviews about the voice acting, it was bad also. The story was terrible and seems to have been concocted by someone's 10 year old nephew. Do yourself a favor and rent this movie first (you will see I was so disappointed) if you are truly interested."