THE CASE FOR CHRIST: Lee Strobel, the former legal editor of the CHICAGO TRIBUNE, draws upon his investigative skills in this compelling film that follows his two-year investigation of the Bible and the life of Jesus Chris... more »t. Topics include: the historical accuracy of the Gospels, the personal claims of Jesus, and His resurrection from the dead. THE CASE FOR FAITH: In this powerful Biblical apologetic, Lee Strobel tackles two of the most emotional questions posed about Christianity: "Why is Jesus the only way to God?? and, "How could a loving God exist if there is evil and suffering in the world?? THE CASE FOR A CREATOR: Does contemporary scientific evidence point toward or away from a supernatural Creator? Featuring interviews with scientists and scholars from« less
Sharon G. Hamilton | Rising Sun, Maryland United States | 10/20/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Lee Strobel brings an excitement and enthusiasm to Christianity; that is not seen enough these days. If a former athiest can dig up this much evidence for God the Creator; the existence and works of Jesus and how He fulfilled Old Testament prophesy regarding the Messiah; and the compelling reasons for our Faith in God to be an important part of our existence, then everyone should be able to believe. If you are not sure of your Faith, or it seems to be in a rut... Watch these and renew the fire of your Faith. His arguments are undeniable and the evidence is real. It takes more faith to believe there is no God and that Darwin was right, than to believe the evidence that Lee Strobel presents. Weither you believe in God or not, WATCH THIS SERIES. If you didn't believe before, you will find compelling reasons to believe after watching this series, or at least start asking a lot of questions. I have been a born again Christian for 15+ years and this series renewed my excitement about being a follower of Christ. It is not about religion it is a relationship with the one who created us all, and Lee brings this to life. GET THE EXCITEMENT!! Watch this series."
For you or for a friend, buy it!
Aaron M. White | Sacarmento,CA | 01/26/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As in all books to film, the books of his go in great depth of his journey and investigation. But to see and hear the main points from those he interviewed, I insist you get these DVD's. If you don't have the time to read the books, I insist that you watch these DVD's.
The Case for Christ is probably his most personal. From atheist to Christian is a pretty big step. But before he took that step he looked for evidence. From the main points of the authenticity of the New Testament, was Jesus the Son of God and the biggest of them all, the Resurrection. Some people can come to faith by just hearing about Jesus from a friend or neighbor. Other people need facts and proof, well here it is.
The Case for Faith, is examining the faith of Christians and people in general. When questions come up to challenge your faith, do you break down or do you have a defense. This dvd is the defense. Why is there evil in the world, is probably the hardest pill to swallow, but answers are given. Maybe ones we don't like or want to hear, but they're in there. Is Jesus the only way to God and Salvation, that question is in there.
The Case for a Creator takes a look at the physical and created world. From our place in the galaxy in this mass universe all the way to our itty bitty cells. Darwinism is compared to creation. Like i said before, some people can come to faith by just hearing about God or Jesus. But, if you need even more evidence here it is again.
As before if you want more indepth research, read the books, but to get an eye opening experience buy these dvd's for a friend or even a family member. I would suggest depending on what type of person they are to either do The case for a Creator first for the scientific minded or for those spiritual seekers to do the Case for Christ. Either way leave the case for Faith last, give them time to find their own faith first before they come face to face with the hard questions. But I maybe wrong, just a thought. Plus buy these triple pack is cheaper than getting all three separately so ssshhh.
For those who are readers, check out The Case for the Real Jesus, the continuing investigation after the Case for Christ. Sorry this was long, but I hope it was helpful."
This is a good buy!
Bob L. Kensinger Jr. | Schuylkill Haven, Pa USA | 09/22/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"these movies are a really powerful witness to Jesus Christ. they are very in depth and informative. most of the info comes from doctors and professors who are being interviewed. they are a bit long to use as a teaching resource but they can easily be used in different segments."
Absolutely Fabulous
Aunt B | New Orleans, LA | 11/17/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Loved all three videos they really answered lots of questions I have struggled with for a long time. Lee Strobel does a great job of walking you through his skepticism of Christianity to his discovery of truth. Would highly recommend it for parents who need answers for their children's questions."
Excellent must-see series!!
Tyler | PARADISE, CALIFORNIA, US | 02/15/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The first time I heard of this series was when I was browsing videos on YouTube. I watched The Case for a Creator in a 10 part series on IllustraMedia's channel, and was very impressed. I then went out and bought this entire collection when I found out it was at the local Family Christian Store. I must say that this series has changed my life. I have been comprehensively studying Christian apologetics ever since these films restored my faith in Christian apologetics. I used to think that most of Christian apologetics was "Because the Bible says..." or "Just trust in God." I am glad that I was proven wrong. Strobel and many other experts in the field offer sound reasoning and evidence in favor of a Creator, Christ, and faith. Recently, I started reading Stephen Meyer's Signature in the Cell. On Netflix, I watched Ben Stein's Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. This collection, mainly The Case for a Creator, was what started it all for me. Each video contains a number of special features in addition to the main feature. Note also that in all of the DVDs, Strobel provides a list of resources for further study, and sometimes trailers for his other works.
The Case for a Creator:
Main Feature: The chapters are as follows: (1) Introduction (2) Negative Evidence (3) Cosmology (4) Physics (5) Astronomy (6) Biological Machines (7) Biological Information (8) Credits
Special Features: (1) Questions and Answers about Science and God: Stephen Meyer, Michael Behe, Jonathan Wells, Jay Richards, Robin Collins, and William Lane Craig answer 14 different questions, such as "Is Intelligent Design Theory Based on a Religious Premise?" Each answer is roughly a minute and a half. (2) How Did Life Begin?: This 10 minute additional feature explores the impossibility of proteins assembling randomly. Stephen Meyer and Jed Macosko offer expert analysis. (3) The Machinery of Life: The viewer watches as the process of protein synthesis unfolds. Dean Kenyon offers closing thoughts.
The Case for Christ:
Main Feature: The chapters are (1) Introduction (2) Examining the Evidence (3) Analyzing Jesus (4) Researching the Resurrection (5) Lee's Decision (6) Credits.
Special Features: (1) The Uniqueness of Jesus: Ben Witherington III, William Lane Craig, J.P. Moreland, Mark Strauss, and Craig Evans speak on the first real individual, the meaning of the cross, the importance of his resurrection, a teacher unlike any other, the significance of His miracles, God's representative on earth, and the implications of His claims. (2) Faith Stories: Craig Blomberg, William Lane Craig, Craig Evans, Gary Habermas, Mike Licona, Michael Rydelnik, Mark Strauss, and N.T. Wright discuss their personal faith and ministry. (3) Prophecies of the Passion: This special feature examines the Gospel accounts of Jesus' death through the words of the Old Testament prophets who described the details of Christ's trial, crucifixion, and burial centuries before they ever occurred.
The Case for Faith:
Main Feature: This feature contains the following six chapter (1) Introduction (2) Charles Templeton (3) Why Is Jesus the Only Way to God? (4) Evil and Suffering (5) Templeton Reprise (6) Credits
Special Features: (1) Dealing with Doubt: This feature contains an introduction by Lee Strobel. Then, Dr. Lynn Anderson speaks on a personal journey, Lord help me with my unbelief, the importance of the Psalms, lessons from Abraham, and practical steps to faith.(2) The Least of These: This feature contains a number of sub-features, including 3 on the P.E.A.C.E. plan of Rick Warren, and 1 on the prayerful faith of the people at the St. Francis Inn in Philadelphia