We want the original Beaver!
(1 out of 5 stars)
"When I searched on "Leave it to Beaver" I was hoping to find the original episodes. So many t.v. shows are now available on sets of DVDs, I thought for sure Beaver would be. After all, it is one of the most popular shows ever. How disappointing. I guess we can only hope the owners and current producers see fit to put it out in that form...soon! I can't imagine it not making them a tidy sum."
"Ward, I'm Worried About The Beaver"
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Well, June, you should be worried. Once again, a bunch of Hollywood quick-buck artists have succeeded in producing a dreadful film supposedly based upon a classic sitcom. This sad little piece of junk has no redeeming qualities, as the cast, script, and direction are all equally atrocious. The persons who produced this sorry mess should be profoundly embarrassed and ashamed, but they are probably as lacking in shame as they are in talent. "Hey, Wally, who do you think did this to me? Do ya think it mighta been Eddie or Lumpy?" "Naw, Beav, Eddie's a wise guy, but he's not that mean, and Lumpy's pretty dumb, but even he's not stupid enough to have done this; I guess somebody's out to get ya." "I don't know, Wally; it's kinda scary. Larry Mondello could have done better than this." "Yeah, Beav, somebody sure gave ya the business this time." Yes, Andy Cadiff and his accomplices gave us all the business when they turned out this garbage; there is simply no excuse for a film this bad. Watch the re-runs on TV, and skip this disaster."
No thank you, Mrs. Cleaver
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Another classic sitcom falls victim to Hollywood hacks, as an unremarkable cast struggles with a dreadful screenplay. The only surprise here is that Penelope Spheeris wasn't tapped to direct, as this sort of project seems to be her specialty. However, Andy Cadiff shows that he is just as skilled as Spheeris at creating an uninteresting, unfunny, and unworthy feature version of a classic sitcom. Stick to the TV re-runs."
No, Beaver, Just Leave It!
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Fans of the original sitcom will find this sorry little film to be an outright disaster. The premise is silly, the script is dreadful, the acting is deplorable, and director Andy Cadiff clearly does not know what he is doing. Stick with the original series, which is light-years ahead of this piece of junk. "Hey, Gilbert, let's take this crummy movie over to Metzger's Field and bury it." "Gee, I don't know, Beav - I don't think it's worth burying - let's burn it.""