The benefits to health, fitness, coordination, and lifestyle will be far beyond what you can imagine now! Anyone can, and should, learn to Salsa Dance. Give it a try, with the finest beginners dance DVD on the market. It's... more » finally here - your definitive guide to learn to salsa dance. Don't miss this fantastic DVD that really walks you, step-by-step, through all the fundamentals of Salsa Dancing in a fun, social and energetic way. Volume 1 is the beginners handbook. Learn to move in minutes and be out on the floor in record time. A video for anyone & everyone! We cover every aspects of what Salsa is all about. Includes a couple of great moves and ladies styling tips that will get you noticed. A full 2 hours of stellar dance instruction you can use tonight!« less
We never knew learning salsa could be so much fun - and easy
K. Corn | Indianapolis,, IN United States | 11/18/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"First, a confession - I've always been a little scared to try anything other than the usual basic dances moves, nothing the least bit noticable. I just wanted to be able to get out on the dance floor and not make a fool out of myself.
So let's just say I was a little...wary...of trying to learn Salsa, a type of dance which I think of as incredibly romantic and sexy. I've always loved watching Salsa dancers and I've been envious of their grace, rhythm and style. I never for a monent, however, believed I could do anything remotely similar. But, DVD in hand (a gift), I was game to give it a try.
This DVD made learning Salsa not only painless but fun and before long, my partner and I were actually moving through the steps and, better yet, we actually KNEW what we were doing. We looked like the dancers on the DVD, if only a "touch" less professional (okay, a lot less professional but it WAS our first time). Now we're working our way through the DVDs, Learn to Dance Salsa 2 and Learn to Dance Salsa 3 and I can actually say that we are getting better and better all the time. Plus, it is a lot of fun to practice!
What makes this DVD a standout? The instructors start out by explaining the basics of Salsa so that once you work into the actual dance movements, you have some idea of what Salsa actually is and where it fits in the dance spectrum. You aren't just mimicking steps but actually expressing a certain mood and feeling. That is a major plus right there. If you are going to Salsa, you want to create a total effect, not look like a robot going through the motions.
The instruction itself is very easy to follow, with both full-length and close-up shots of the dancers' feet, going at a very easy, step by step pace at first and gradually working up to a brisker tempo. We found ourselves smiling from start to finish, amazed at how much fun this was. Be forewarned, however- depending on your partner, you may be compelled to take a few romantic interludes as Salsa can be amazingly sexy and just moving together in rhythmic harmony while practicing the moves that lead one's thoughts to further romance...but that's another plus, to my way of thinking (think of it as a free bonus, if you will).
ONE NOTE: If you are already a professional Salsa dancer, these DVDs may not be for you. They are definitely designed for the beginning Salsa dancer but "beginning" is a matter of perception. If you're among professional dancers, perhaps you won't come across as a pro but if you're dancing at parties or other events, you may come across as far more expreienced.
When we actually danced in public, people thought we were more than beginners, especially since the DVDs taught us how to "talk the talk" as well as "dance the dance", using such the right terms for each step, terms which are discussed in detail on the DVD. No one knew we'd just started learning Salsa and that was gratifying to us.
There is a lot of info on this DVD, including tips on looking sexy (although the moves themselves go a long way in giving that impression) and Dance Club Etiquette, always useful to know."
Gail Cooke | TX, USA | 10/29/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
The dictionary defines salsa as a type of Latin American dance incorporating rock and jazz. For once, Mr. Webster was remiss - he forgot to say it's fun. Really, once the music starts it's hard to keep still, so you might as well find out how to do it, and "Learn To Dance Salsa"is a clear, concise way to learn.
This DVD offers the basics of salsa dancing with easy step-by-step instructions. I'm delighted to learn in the privacy of my home where I can play it over as many times as needed.. There are close-ups of moves that make you look like you were born to dance (salsa, that is).
Another plus is it's wonderful exercise!
In other words, Ole!
- Gail Cooke
Salsa Dancers Do It With Rhythm!
L. Shirley | fountain valley, ca United States | 11/06/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This review refers to "Learn To Dance Salsa: Beginners Vol 1"
Did you ever see the Seinfeld episode in which Elaine dances at a party, and everyone laughs at her moves(and rightly so)? That's me. I am a terrible dancer and what's more I have, or should say had no rhythm. I decided to give this a try anyway. I do work out quite a bit though, so I approached it the same way I do my video workouts.
First I viewed it all the way through, so I knew what to expect. Watching it I saw the instructors and the dancers, breaking down every move so easily, and repeating each of the basic steps and moves over with music, I thought "I could do this!" But it looked like I needed a partner, and dragged a reluctant friend into my living room. Turned out, we both actually learned the FUNdamentals(yes it was a blast), and thought we looked pretty good doing it as well. I actually got the rhythm down.
Patiently and slowly, the instructor and dancers, will take you through the very basic steps, for leaders and followers,then to music, and then putting the moves together for both dancers. There are a total of 35 scene selections depicting different steps, and patterns of the dance, and there are picture in picture close-up so you can just watch the way their feet move. You'll also get the terminolgy down as well. Also, if you hang around and sit through the credits, at the end you will find another bonus pattern to learn.
The music is great and so is the DVD. It's nice that you could always pause or pick any scene you want to try over again. Sound and picture are excellent. The DVD says it is 2 hours of comprehensive lessons, but the actual dance instruction is about an hour and 20 minutes. The bonus features include "Dance and Club Etiquette"(this will come in very handy when you are ready to show off what you have learned), "Salsa History", which was most informative, and some outakes, which were quite funny, and helped put me at ease(nobody's poifect!).
There are several levels in the Salsa Dance Lesson Series, three volumes at the Beginner level alone. So I thought the DVDs a little high priced, maybe they could put the beginning level together in a package deal.Once you start you will want to continue(I know I do) and to buy each level will run into quite an investment(my only reason for four stars, the lessons are 5 stars for sure). I see some pretty good deals through the outside sellers though(for new DVDs).
Okay, so I am not exactly Gloria Estefan yet, but I really learned the basics, enjoyed the video very much and hey, found some rhythm lurking inside of me! Oh and by the way, by the end of the hour and 20 minutes, I felt like I had quite a good low impact workout, and will be adding this to my great work out listmania as well!
Enjoy with a partner....Laurie
Maybe its just me
C. A. Unger | Las Vegas, NV USA | 07/20/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I bought it because of all the great reviews. It is good but for a total beginner I feel there are some problms. On some parts I started "getting it" once I turned the volume down and jsut watched. It seemed that some parts contrdicted (instruction didn't match the movements) what the actor was saying (counting, putting feet "together" and the bouncing); plus, while some parts are at the right pace, the important basic parts they zoom right through asssuming you got it. The dude wears black so it would be better if he were in light clothes against the dark backdrop.
It could be that i am just completely uncoordinated but I think it's geared toward those who have some dance knowledge; those people will know the basics so it'll be easier."
No Bells & Whistle, Just Plain Good Instruction.
M. Inglen | Texas | 05/12/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you're looking for a good dance DVD to help you learn to Salsa dance, this one is a good one to go with.
Bells and whistles you will not find on this DVD. About as hi-tech as it gets is the picture-in-picture technology so that you can have a close-up view of footwork. But that's a good thing. Instead of trying to distract you with "cool stuff" the makers of Learn to Dance Salsa Beginner's volume 1 focused on providing sustenance.
The sustenance offered up on this DVD comes in two forms: direction and information. The directional information is, of course, the dance lessons. The basic step is taught piece by piece from the counts you're supposed to step on to the steps themselves. How to do basic turns is also addressed during the beginning portions of the DVD and by the time you get to the second half of the DVD, you'll find yourself intertwined with your partner performing patterns. Did you catch that? The partners thing? Well that's another reason why this is a great DVD. The lessons are for partners, which makes sense Salsa dancing is a couples dance. Right from the beginning of the DVD, when the basic step is introduced, the lessons are taught with partners in mind as the instructors demonstrate to foot movements for each. Additional information concerning partners taught includes: (1) stance / frame, (2) tips for the leader on what to do to let the follower know which way they want the follower to go as well as how the follower can recognize those signals, and (3) what both the follower and leader need to know before heading out on the dance floor.
As for the informational sustenance, it comes at the end of the DVD (or the beginning if you're the overzealous type) as the special features. Once again, the information isn't just fluff. The features include a brief history of Salsa as well as tips on Salsa etiquette. (Bet you didn't know there was such a thing.) Now, the topics addresses are quite common but the delivery of the tips (quite comical) is reason enough to take a peek. Besides, the tips remind you how to be courteous when the situations described occur-something that's very important in any social dancing environment.
Bottom line: Learn to Dance Salsa volume 1 for beginners is a great DVD to help you learn Salsa so if that's what you're looking for, you've found it."