Le Chevalier d'Eon Almost Achieves Greatness
Conner Macleod | USA | 11/06/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I finally finished this series a few months ago after beginning it over a year ago, and overall I'm glad I took the time to see it through, despite some major flaws that were primarily towards the end. It's an above average anime series, and it could have been a 5 star show, but somewhere after the middle the story becomes too convoluted for its own good and the various explanations for why certain events crucial to the core story occured do not make any sense, and after volume 6 there are still several unanswered questions.
Without spoiling anything I'll say that the ending felt rushed and seemed like a really lazy way to wrap up all the various characters and arching plot lines. I really enjoyed the first half of this series, which was full of intrigue, espionage, great characters, clever dialogue and excellent blend of CGI and hand drawn animation, but unfortunately in the end the build-up of such an interesting story falls far short of expectations and the potential of what this series could have been. For those with an interest in European history, I recommend watching it, since the architecture, clothes, mannerisms and so on are incredibly realistic and well done, plus the mysticism of it keeps the plot moving at a steady pace with enough action to keep it from becoming dull, but again, after the middle it begins to meander aimlessly and culminates in a less than satisfying conclusion, so be prepared for a letdown.
Ultimately I'd say it's a disappointing show because of the unanswered questions and uninspired ending to what was an otherwise superb show with a highly unique premise. Having said that, however, I still recommend watching it because despite some of the major letdowns, this show is a classic example of the journey being more important than the destination."
For King and Country
Kellyannl | Bronx, NY USA | 05/24/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If someone would have told me that an anime that can best be described as Alexandre Dumas meets George Romero could be this good, I would have been sceptical to say the least. But after caving in after reading so much positive buzz, I am very glad to have this in my collection.
Mid-level French spy d'Eon de Beaumont, based on a real-life 18th century transvestite, is devastated when the body of his beautiful, talented big sister Lia, a fictional hardcore superspy, is found floating in a coffin on the Seine pumped full of mercury. Naturally, he wants to find out the details behind her death and puts the rest of his life on hold, including his engagement to his fiance Anna - but things get more than a little odd when he starts being chased by Gargoyle zombies and his sister's spirit starts posessing him when he wavers in battle. He is soon approached by three other males in Lia's life who also claim to have cared enough about her to want to avenge her when they hear of her death: the Queen's page Robin, a very young friend of both Lia and Anna who d'Eon wants to protect due to his age but allows to come along because he can handle a pistol well enough to hold his own; Dumond, a dashing spy who often co-worked with Lia and had apparently been in love with her; and legendary swordsman Teillagory, d'Eon and Lia's aging but still fit former fencing instructor who has come upon word of his protege's fate.
The "Four Musketeers" will have their work cut out for them as they travel across Europe to discover the truth, though. Lia was not the kind of spy to botch a job - and considering that spies know what they're getting into and what will happen to them if they're caught the fact that her soul is not at rest suggests an alarming betrayal..
The highlight of the series is undoubtedly the phenomenal artwork. Everything from the Palace of Versailles to Cologne Cathedral and the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg is rendered in loving detail, as are the period costumes. It's also just plain fun to watch, if fun is the right word for a story with such a serious tone. The swordfights, battles against the Gargoyle zombies, supernatural trappings and of course the intrigue surrounding Lia's death keep things jumping. Lia herself is posthumously one of the story's most interesting elements, as she seems to waver between a thirst for vengeance at all costs and desire to protect four guys she cared for very much in very different ways until we finally get her whole story. The relationships the guys develop with eachother and their posthumous bond with Lia give the story emotional depth - especially in the final episodes. Aside from people who just aren't into period pieces or stories with occult elements, the only people who I would advise to stay clear are history buffs who would go into apopleptic fits at the sometimes broad liberties taken with tweaking history.
The bit about the Gargoyle zombies should clue everyone else in about that though, and this is otherwise a great choice for adult viewers who want a dark action anime that doesn't involve mecha."
If you do not like highschool or end of the world tokyo
Gustavo Gonzalez | Boulder | 01/13/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The setting for this anime is refreshingly different. Visually the anime is amazing with the details on the background, clothing and acuracy of fencing movements being superb. The story does get kind of rushed especially on the last disc but it does not take too much out of the whole experience, although it is so good they should have made a longer ending to give it the ending it deserved. This combines international espionage, history, and some fantasy. There are also no goofball characters which to me are usually annoying in some anime plus the tone of the series was not favorable for that. You should definitely buy it or you can buy the first DVD if you like that you will love the series. I might even buy this again as a set, anybody knows if there are any extras besides what is on the individual DVDs. Oh by the way the packaging is usually extermely nice as well and so is the soundtrack."
EPIC WIN - But the ending fell flat.
Lunar Dragon Gamer | USA | 04/14/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Le Chevalier d'Eon anime is something that you should really consider getting.
If you are a manga/anime lover, then you should consider adding this to your collection.
Believe me, it is worth the money! :D"