Topics addressed by Abraham during this workshop include: Can an actor delve into all the angry, dark emotions without attracting unwanted things into his real life? How do you stop attracting all that old father an... more »d son emotional baggage? What do you do when you have attracted your passion at work but you have been stopped cold and it is making you sick? How can you move through anger into joy if you feel more comfortable back in the feeling of depression? Are mantras just meaningless words? What about words used in prayer? How do the specific words we use affect what we attract? Drinking, drugs, and broken curfews. . . a few pointers from Infinite Intelligence about dealing with a difficult teenager. Abraham helps us get a handle on the nature of time, aging, and the universe expanding. A more detailed analysis of the Law of Attraction, and a discussion on how emotion and matter interact to attract. How do the teachings of Abraham line up with traditional Christianity. . . or with any religion, for that matter? And much, much more. Answers and inspiration from the Non-Physical entity Abraham whom Esther calls infinite intelligence and Jerry refers to as the purest form of love he has ever encountered.« less
John C. McDonnell | Studio City, CA. USA | 02/22/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This 3 DVD set is a wonderful expression of the love and wisdom that Abraham shares through Esther Hicks. The love, kindness, patience, humor and the beauty of their non-judgment is apparent in every question answered. The unwavering gentleness that accompanies every answer soothes the nervous and breathes life into the answers we already knew at our core. If you've read the books, listened to the tapes or attended a workshop, the answers sound familiar and ring true as you vibrate in harmony with the message. You can literally SEE the relief on the faces of the people. SEE the joy, the recognition, the remembering if you will and it is truly a beautiful shared experience. If you have attended workshops before, you will have this treasure to enjoy over and over again. If you have not yet had the chance, rest assured that absolutely NOTHING is lost in the translation. A very worth while purchase. Thank you Esther, Jerry and Abraham."
Audio Video is better
George Wilkerson | Commerce, CA USA | 02/22/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am so used to listening to the weekly cd, I got the Los Angeles DVD, and it feels better, I love to see Abraham move their hands and the expression on their face, I am getting their message on a other level and it feels great, it just keeps getting better and better"
A real "vibration-raiser"
Fast Forward | Nagoya, Aichi Japan | 06/27/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'm a big fan of Esther/Jerry Hicks/Abraham and I never miss them on Hay House Radio on a program called "Ask and It Is Given", excerpted from workshops which are pretty complete audio presentations in themselves.
But this DVD was the first chance I had to actually watch a workshop--and I felt a lot more good energy from it. Abraham speaks through Esther, and the words and body language are logical and loving. Watching the participants' faces during all this is very moving.
Abraham states that the magic key of manifesting what we want is to keep our vibrations elevated--to "be as happy most of the time, as much as possible". Sometimes a hard day at work or a bad dream the night before can make that a tall order--however, I can absolutely state that merely watching this DVD has raised my happiness level when nothing else would work.
Whatever your belief system or philosophy may be, this is a riveting presentation, and I plan to get the upcoming DVD!"
This is the best there is on the LOA
Donna M. Mcgee | Hughesville, Pa. United States | 05/06/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Esther Hicks is bringing forth the most accurate and outstanding teachings on the Law of Attraction on the planet. I know to the average Joe the idea of channeling sounds pretty hokey but you need to watch this video. Esther never misses a beat. She has the perfect answer and the gentlest way of presenting truth. After she gets through talking with people they all bow to her with reverent respect. She has freed them to be ok with who they are and given them direction on how to be do and have more of that which they are wanting. It is uplifting and the best information I have ever heard. You need to watch this more then once. Every time I watch it I love her more. As I encounter situations in my day often I will hear her wisdom grant me the right guidance. Love yourself enough to buy this dvd."
EXCELLENT whether you are new to the law of attraction or ha
Sierra Goodman | Costa Rica - Living the Life of my Dreams! | 09/03/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Some people might have barriers go up when they hear that "Abraham" is a group of non-earth bound entities who have come here to help us through Esther and Jerry Hicks. Please, please, don't let that stop you from buying this DVD set and soaking up the Divinely Inspired information that comes through Esther. Whether it is Abraham (which I personally believe) or just Esther, the precious jewels about living a happy and prosperous life that come out of her mouth in this DVD are truly inspiring and life changing. She is funny, direct and incredibly insightful.
Every time I watch this DVD, I pick up something that I didn't hear before or maybe wasn't ready to hear. I will continue to watch it, it is now in my every growing rotation of great DVD's including What the Bleep?, The Secret, Your Immortal Brain and others. Keep this information in your mind all the time because it works and it is true!
This is even more mind opening than The Secret, which is a good introduction to the Law of Attraction, but this takes it further and explains it in a very clear way.
I have not been to a Hicks Workshop before as I live in Costa Rica, but now I feel as if I have, this DVD is very complete. You can see the release, joy and inspiration on the faces of the people in the audience as Abraham, through Esther, talks to them. I got the chills many times while watching it!