Muy Bien!
mr. snrub | Out there in La La Land | 01/21/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"There are three things that the average action hero never did until now.
1.)Flip his dancing partner to kick an adversary.
2.)Kick a coffee table at an oncoming agressor
3.)Avoid striking a female opponent by binding her with a telephone cord.
Martial Arts expert Fabian Carrillo gets his shot at being a Latino Bruce Lee and accomplishes all three in LATIN DRAGON, which makes it more than worth seeing.
On top of all of that, he gives Gary Busey one hell of a flying sidekick."
I liked this one
T. Cooper | Los Angeles, California United States | 04/03/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"i don't see why some people are giving this bad reviews.. this is actually a pretty entertaining, Fabian carrillo is a pretty good martial artist, i liked his techniques. the fight between him and Lorenzo Lamas is pretty well cordinated. this wasn't bad at all."
Nothing Special, but it's a Start.
Low Profile | Monterey, CA United States | 11/21/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I'm always interested in films starring Latinos, and fortunately, more are coming out these days bringing
out a talent that can be refreshing and original. Latin Dragon, unfortunately offers little of this. It starts out with a portrayal of some realistic-looking LA gang villians, many of which looked exactly like the kind of gangbangers that made life so miserable for many of us when I was growing up as a kid. Unfortunately, the hero is not the one to put an end to their antics in the end. It is their blonde, European White employer, who has them shot while they're sleeping! What a disappointment. It's almost as the film makers ran out of time, budget, or both. At that point in the film, the movie ended up dropping to the typical B, video release only flick, with the typical European bad guy at the top, storyline common to Lorenzo Lamas films like Bounty Tracker. Lorenzo is in this, by the way, and fights the hero to a standstill in the end. The hero's martial art skill is a tad below decent, offering nothing original or of the intensity you'd like to see punish these murderous gangbangers. It too resembles the Lorenzo Lamas type karate from his 1990s video action film genre. The story writing gets a little far fetched when the hero is arrested by LAPD, on the charge of killing all of the sleeping gangbangers and his cop brother is allowed to drive him away in his squad car to the police station alone. Yeah, right! Well, the brother ends up being in cahoots with the blonde, European bad guys and takes his brother to them instead of the police station, apparently unconcerned that his detour will most doubt be noticed by LAPD. With such lame story writing, I'm sure you'll be able to predict what's next. Latin Dragon was a disappointment, but since it is one of the first martial art films by Latinos, it hopefully, is a stepping stone for future improvement."