"Late Bloomers is an enjoyable sweet love story about two women who find love in the middle of life's journey. One woman, a school secretary, married with children, finds that her long marriage has died on the romantic vine many years ago. The other woman is a geometry teacher and girl's basketball coach who has never been in love. Through the learning and teaching of basketball, each woman finds in the other a love that they never thought they would find at this stage in their life.
I love that this movie portrays love and sex between two women who are not beautiful hard-bodied teenagers. It is fun however to see them react like giddy hormone driven teenagers in love's first blush. The actresses did an outstanding job playing two women awkward at love and there was a nice chemistry between them. I will never look at basketball the same way again and enjoyed the sport that plays as the platform for the women's romance.
The movie is meant to be part of the "feel good" genre so it is hard to criticize what appears to be unrealistic actions and reactions by some of the characters but I do have to say that the husband's reaction to his wife's new found love was quite implausible.
I would recommend this film to anyone who wants to see a lovely simple love story and would especially recommend it to anyone like myself who at middle age wants to see a semblance of their own life on screen."
Wow....this is the way it happens!
Jane Bishop | Illinois | 09/27/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Falling in love with a woman, for the first time in mid-life, as many of us have experienced, is an astonishing occurrence. LATE BLOOMERS shows this to be true by including large doses of engaging tenderness and realistic scenes of stark honesty. In this film there are no women wearing slinky dresses, seducing one another in a pseudo-romantic Hollywood setting. Instead, Late Bloomers portrays finding love, and finding it just around the corner, all as it often happens. Quite unexpectedly, the lovers discover one another, and find the closeness and romance previously missing from their past involvements. One of the women is married, so if you first fell in love with a woman when married with children; you will appreciate the character's struggles and those of her family. However, alls well that ends well and this is without a doubt what this film portrays. LATE BLOOMERS is believable, with fine acting and a great story line. The women who play the roles of the two lovers are perfect, uninhibited in their lovemaking; funny, tender, and even sometimes fearful; yet always finding a way to stay the course together. LATE BLOOMERS creates an entirely possible story and presents it by using, not only some drama, but also a great deal of humor. Buy this film. You will absolutely adore it."
Super middle age falling in love story
dlewis234 | Toledo, OH United States | 02/04/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Poignant story about two women who are surprised when they fall in love in the prime of their lives. One, a spinster (coach), who probably grew up as a tomboy, and didn't really see the possibility of love. I don't think she even considered loving anyone intimately. She sees men as brothers to play sports with. I'm not sure what her perspective on women is before this, probably just a person to have a superficial friendship with. She is very lonely. When she falls in love, she is like a little kid; pretending to play the clarinet while lying on her living room couch with relish , playing footsie under table during a faculty meeting, enjoying the hell out of her new relationship. The second woman (mom) is married, but the romance died in her marriage a very long time ago. It sounds like mom married very young, and she is afraid her daughter will get trapped in a young marriage too. Mom is having difficulties trying to communicate with her daughter and her husband regarding her daughter's overflowing sexuality. Mother and daughter have a very explicit discussion regarding sex. The part I like best about the movie is the way basketball is used between the two as a method of seduction. Mom starts the seduction at a school dance that the two are helping chaperone doing a very physical bumping dance. Both women really get into it. The two continue the seduction as coach teaches mom to play basketball. Mom never having been good at sports is learning that there are things she can do better than she ever realized. Then there's a great nude basketball playing scene - it'd never happen without a lot more privacy - at least not in any town in the good ole USA that I know of - but it's fun - very seductive.
Maybe being middle aged, I can better relate to this. But I do not see coach as being a tired depressed individual. I see her as a Martina Navitarola (sorry if I misspelled your name Martina), or Detective Tennison looking kind of person. I also see her as honest, able to speak her mind without trying to be overbearing. I see them both as sweet people who want to enjoy their relationship, without bothering other people, and without other people bothering them.
Super movie!!!!!!!!!"
Good movie with some slow scenes
Dana Hurleigh | east williston, NY United States | 06/02/2003
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Alright what I liked about the movie.
1. The two main characters were interesting. I liked seeing two middle aged women acting like hormonal teenagers. The early scenes between the two were funny and heartwarming.
2. There was more then one bedroom scene. To call them sex scenes would be slightly wrong. You didn't actually see the sex but you did see them together in bed talking like lovers. I liked that. Too many movies have one big love scene and thats it. I simply like to see two grown women having a passionate affair.
3. The husband/ex-husband. I liked him. He was a nice guy who seemed to be at a loss for why his wife fell in love with a woman. He had two really good scenes. One with the woman who stole his wife and at the end of the movie where he tried to expain why the two women got fired... I've read a few reviews that said he was unrealistic, and maybe he was, but I've heard stories about men who acted like him. Yeah they got angry but in end they were still nice guys.
What I didn't like.
1. The daughter. Don't know why. She just got on my nerves.
2. The ending. Don't know either. Just got on my nerves.
3. Some diaglog was awkard. Some characters were awkward.All in all I'd give the movie a B. Better then some. Worse then others. But definitly a good movie to watch."
If you're a fan of lesbian-friendly indies... rent this!
Dana Hurleigh | 05/07/1999
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Saw the movie in an art-film house in Dallas, where it was filmed. A sweet story of two women; an openly gay basketball coach, and a frustrated, married mother of two kids headed for reform school. It's a somewhat easy story to tell... Coach falls for mother, mother decides she is different, i.e. "gay"... and through an often hilarious, sometimes heartbreaking string of events, (the oreo cookie scene will bring tears to your eyes) their love for one another blossoms into something pure and beautiful. The community outrage that ensues will make any homophobe proud, but for those of us who are actually lesbian-friendly, I offer you this... every village needs an idiot, and some villages are comprised of nothing but. Over all, a great movie for anyone who has ever questioned their own sexuality, a great movie for the open-minded, and anyone who likes a pretty good indie. The only complaint about this movie - and I didn't even mind the nude basketball scene... but Val looked about 10+ years older than she was supposed to be, crows feet, dark circles and all... probably because the actress playing her, Lisa Peterson, is 28. Could have found someone a little younger. Still, a great rental."