A low-budget item foolishly trying to pass as something more
Parisonn of Atlantis | Minneapolis, Minnesota | 06/21/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"After a tedious 17-minute "set-up," this straight-to-video effort becomes one of those oh-so-familiar B-movies set in a post-apocalyptic world in which the beleaguered remains of civilization fight against the dark forces of ... Oh, forget it. Had this been done with a trace of style, a bit of flair, a hint of humor, it might have gotten by, despite its limited budget, but the pace is plodding, the dialog flat, and the action sequences loud rather than exciting. What's more, the movie's painfully-limited sets and woefully-undernourished "crowd" scenes mock its ill-advised attempt to tell an epic story. In the cast, good-girl Kate Rodger and bad-girl Katerina Brozova manage to rise above their material, but Josh Barker lacks the "chops" to be a he-man hero. However, it's amusing to see him hanged by the wrists so that his bare torso can be electro-shocked a la Mel Gibson in "Lethal Weapon.""