No emotion. No fear. No pain. They were the perfect soldiers to protect civilization--until the drone police became the perfect enemy. With little hope left for mankind, Tallis, an electronically enhanced soldier, rescues ... more »a rebel beauty from a failed resistance mission. A force to be reckoned with, she will learn to fight and think like a machine for the final battle to save the human race.
DVD Features Include: Making the Movie Featurette; Director / Producer Commentary« less
This was a terrible movie, but I knew that going in - I only wanted to see it for Katee. The special effects were sloppy, the acting was either wooden or over the top cheesy (though I thought Katee did okay with what little she was given), and I never did figure out what the point of the war was. In the right hands, this could have been at least a decent movie, but in this case, it was just bad.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
David L. from LOS ANGELES, CA Reviewed on 6/17/2010...
I must admit, I ordered this thinking the blondini was the so hot/cold professional from CSI. Well, no such luck..but...I watched this twice. Has elements of the usual femme hero(ine)story line. And again a ..but.., some form of viscaral enjoyment. Maybe that is what is meant as 'you go girl'. After a couple of glasses/portions of your favorite 'relax-and-watch' drug of'll like this.
0 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Sci-fi boredom
Sinless Knight | Virginia Beach, VA, USA | 04/30/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"The Last Sentinel (which originally debuted on the Sci-Fi channel) is another run-of-the-mil post-apocalyptic action flick, which places too much emphasis on flimsy action sequences & cheap thrills and little elsewhere. Muddy cinematography (apparent poor lighting on sets, which not even the editing could conceal), bad acting and horrific choreography (writer/director Jesse Johnson, whose done stunt work on such films as Beowulf, MI3 and T3 should be ashamed). In fact, the best fight sequence in the entire movie is the final showdown at the end of the film (which isn't saying much at all). Mainly due to that fact that it doesn't consist of a guns blazing shooting spree like all of it's other battles.
Don "The Dragon" Wilson (the movie's protagonist) muffs his lines throughout the majority of the film. He looks bored and expressionless, as if he cannot wait for the filming to be over (who can blame him?). The character development between Wilson's character (Tallis) and Katee Sackhoff's (whose character's name just so happens to be named "Girl," how original) is poorly conceived. It's far too overtly contrived to be taken remotely seriously. Very little comes out of it.
Speaking of little, very little comes out of the film. Everything done in this film has been done a gazillion times before, and quite frankly, the movie isn't even that entertaining. The story and characters are entirely forgettable. They were just doomed from the beginning. Not even Keith David's appearance could save it (the movie).
There are so many great sci-fi action flicks out there that should never have to settle for The Last Sentinel (it's quite baffling how a film of this calibre gets a Blu Ray release). So, do yourself a favor and skip over this one. Wilson fans at least expecting some action on par with his Bloodfist films, may want to steer clear as well. As they will be left woefully disappointed.
This would have scored a star had Katee Sackhoff not been pleasing on the eyes. Might I add, she's not the main star of the film like the dvd cover attempts to have one believe.
Bad post-apocalyptic action
NoWireHangers | Sweden | 11/14/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Don Wilson plays an "electronically enhanced" soldier fighting evil police drones in a post-apocalyptic future. But most of the time is spent with him walking around not doing much at all. Writer-director Jesse Johnson did not do a good job either as a writer or director. The script lacks direction and focus and the movie looks cheap. This could have been excused if the movie had been fun, but it's not. Not recommended."
Give me Starbuck, Give me Bionic Woman, but don't give me th
G. E. Williams | California | 05/08/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Katee Sackhoff has become one of my favorite tough girls. Starbuck, Bionic Woman v1 both were great roles for a beautiful tough sci-fi girl...So I when I found "The Last Sentinel" I was excited with hopes to find an unknown treasure of a sleeper. Unfortunately, this was almost (but not quite)as bad as sci-fi gets.
The plot was terrible, the story terrible, the acting mostly bad, the special effects were almost not existent... But at least it had Katee Sackhoff, which raised it one *
Here's the deal... Pass on this!
1 ½ *
Good ideas in a poorly made movie.
Matt | Denver, NC | 01/18/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"It's disappointing when a movie full of creative ideas fails to build a story to support them. The Last Sentinel IS that movie. It stars Don "The Dragon" Wilson, and Katee Sackhoff - the latter I originally wanted to see this for. Unfortunately, Sackhoff isn't in it nearly as much as I had wanted (The cover is totally misleading), and the movie suffers perhaps because of it. Don Wilson isn't a great actor... he's pretty monotonal throughout, and doesn't bring much of anything to the table. I actually preferred Keith David's (Who voices a gun, of all things, in this movie) voice acting over Wilson's. You can definitely tell this was made-for-TV, and it suffers a lot for that. Its biggest problems are the numerous head-scratching moments. They really stick out more here than in most any movie I've seen. This could work as a bigger budget movie with a better fleshed out story and director. Keep Katee and drop the faceless cast, and you have a real movie."
Only buy it if you are a Sci-fi collector...
readerfromaustin | 06/06/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"...who has the urge to watch all there is, even the junk. Throughout the movie I kept thinking that its ideas, if well developed here and there, could turn out into a good movie. Maybe they could have waited to get more budget. However, it seems that the movie was hurried out the door. Its cheap looks, lack of special effects (hilarious reuse of the same locations over and over again), the crude "shoot the scene once and I'm-outta here" action scenes, etc, etc, left the appreciation depend too much of the imagination and goodwill of the viewer.
To give you an idea of how bad it looked, my initial impression of it was of those B-movies made for TV which young actors take part in the beginning of their careers, and older actors when there is absolutely nothing left. Honestly I thought that this was something from 8 years ago because Katee Sackhoff had done such a good job at BattleStar Galactica that it only made sense for this movie to be one of her "young actor" stepping stones. So after watching it, I looked for the release date, and to my surprise, it's from 2007, after she had already acquired cult level stardom at BattleStar Galactica.
She (and Don Wilson, Bokeem, and Keith Davis) must be very upset (p***ed off is a better term) to have been set up in participating of such a low budget, low resources movie. Maybe even Jesse Johson was duped into letting his budding idea into the hands of such a low budget production. and most likely in the end he had to direct it on autopilot, with cheap effects and scrap metal, to fulfill contractual obligations.
If you ever wanted an example of how good ideas can be brought down by a low level production, this is it. Hopefully this will be a forgotten episode in the career of all those involved, and it won't come back to tarnish their reputations."