By day a wedding photographer, Max Parry uses his video camera to moonlight as a serial killer, and with the air of a homeless assistant, he documents his work in the form of a snuff video diary.
I would not waste your time with so many better horror movies out there. I thought this was a complete garage and I was not even able to finish it since it was so bad...
Mike T. from SANTA MONICA, CA Reviewed on 8/30/2008...
It’s after hours in a small town American diner. As the late-shift waitress busies herself with the tidying, a deadly killer lurks in the shadows. He pounces…
Yeah, yeah, yeah. We’ve all been here before.
You’ve never met anyone like Max Parry previously, however.
Unbelievably, The Last Horror Movie almost lives up to the impossible demands of its title. The brainchild of Darklands director Richards, this instant classic takes the psycho film to its very limits and emerges as arguably the most incisive externalisation of a murderer’s thought processes ever to be depicted in a British film - and no, I haven’t forgotten Peeping Tom or Frenzy, it’s better than either of those, honestly. The set-up reveals that a wedding photographer has taped his own documentary over the rented copy of a generic U.S. teen slasher flick, taking the opportunity to confess to committing dozens of brutal murders in and around London, many of which he has filmed (with the help of an itinerant assistant) and now excerpts here for our viewing discomfort. Though slightly outdated since DVD usurped videotape as the preferred home entertainment medium of most, The Last Horror Movie still works as a biting interactive experience, making the unsuspecting punter a captive, appalled character in Parry’s scheme - imagine suddenly finding yourself actively taking part in Cronenberg’s Videodrome, or Ray Brady’s controversial Boy Meets Girl, for an idea of the horrors in store.
This is a British shocker which seriously rivals Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer as a picture of urban atrocity, and which borrows from that Austrian study of social mayhem Funny Games and, oddly, the BBC t.v. series Marion And Geoff in its inspired use of direct-to-camera narration. Kevin Howarth is spellbinding as philosophical psycho-killer Parry, giving the best central performance in a British chiller for decades, and the ingeniously clever screenplay manages to pick out all potential flaws in its own logic and has Parry address these almost at the very moment they pop into your head! Wouldn't anyone viewing this confessional tape simply complain to the video store or take the offending evidence to the police? Well no they wouldn't, and Max explains why in convincingly erudite terms. As for the moment where our cultured maniac confronts a young schoolboy left alone after class, words fail me - this is audience manipulation at its most masterly, a scene that not even Alfred Hitchcock might have pulled off quite so deftly.
Utterly magnificent, a vast improvement on the Wicker Man-lite of Darklands and a film that may well consign the likes of Dog Soldiers and 28 Days Later... to dim and distant memory. Do not miss this one - in fact, kill to see it.
2 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
The Title is true to it's self
Ironman | Carmel, IN USA | 12/08/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"How Ironic in that the title of this picture almost speaks the truth about not only this movie, but the genre from which it is placed in as well as movies in general.
The last Horror movie is about a psychopath named Max who videotapes himself killing people (even to go so far as hire an assistant). However he is also documenting to a certain degree on life itself. We see the ins and outs of his life, from spending time with friends and family, to his job as a wedding video recorder. However the real meat and potatoes of the movie is the fact that this guy is a coldblooded killer. But because he is so witty and charming he does not fit the profile of the deranged killer most know about.
What really makes this movie is how it was made. The killer is recording this on his life like it's a documentary and at many moments is talking directly to the audience. That's right at many moments the killer actually talks to you. It's because of this and many other reasons that this is highly recomended. In truth the title is right, this is the Last Horror Movie, or at least the Last Origional Horror Movie."
creatureart | Massachusetts | 12/11/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"reallity horror seems to be the final step for the genre! reallity is pretty much as scary as it gets. with that said, the title that director Julian Richards chose for this absolute masterpiece "THE LAST HORROR MOVIE" is pure genius! the double meaning for the title is just to damn clever & you will know the 2nd meaning for the title after you watch the movie. this movie is one of the most intelligent pieces of artwork on film ever made! i have read other reviewers claim that this might not be so original or its all been done before???? well YES! reallity horror has been done before!!! from "TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE" "LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT" & "MANIAC" to "HENRY:portrait of a serial killer" "AMERICAN PSYCHO" & "SCRAPBOOK" reallity is nothing new to the horror genre,but never has it been done like this before!!! viewers have never been able to get this DEEEEEEP into the mind of a psycho or should i say never has a psycho from a horror movie been able to get this DEEEEEEP into the mind of the viewer?. max(the psycho) has got to be the most intelligent version of a serial killer that we have ever met on screen,i mean the way this emotional sicko displays humanity & turns the tables on the viewers making us question ourselves in so many different ways,its almost like your stuck in a room with a psychotic shrink for an hour1/2!!!(THIS KILLERS GOT A CONSCIENCE!!!!!) SO NO! reallity horror isn't new to the genre,but what is new & original is how deeeeep we get to go into mind of this very clever artist/psycho!! this movie is one of the creepiest,mind boggleing, & ground breaking horror films ever made!this is a new cult classic & in the long run will be hailed as one of the best horror movies ever made right along side "HENRY" & "T.C.M."!!! it is now one of my top ten favorite horror movies !I LOVE IT! & if your a real horror fan your gonna love it to! so hurry up & go get it right now! you won't regret it!!! BUT just remember enjoy it while you can because this very well may be "THE LAST HORROR MOVIE" you ever see! HA! HA! HA! HA!"
Intelligent horror with a real shocker ending
Pauline Koal | Miami | 03/30/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Those looking to be titilated by gore, exploitation and sensationalism best avoid this intelligent character study masquerading as a horror movie, because it's likely to tick you off .
Either that, or serial killer Max Parry is using our morbid fascination in violence and death to establish a common ground and prove that he is not the complete monster we immediately judge him to be.
In fact, he could be the guy next door.
He could even be me or YOU.
This is the smartest movie I have seen in a long, long while.
Probably too smart for a mainstream audience, hence some of the negative reviews on this site.
But if you count yourself amongst the more discerning viewers and are looking for brain food, then you will not dissappointed."
J. Kramer | Bronx/Queens , NY | 03/19/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Please,these reviews where people are giving this movie 4 and 5 stars even 3 stars is to high. This cheesey guy with this english/london or whatever accent is walking around saying" look follow me im gonna kill some one now". They have nerve charging 22$ for this hunk of crap, thank god irented it first b4 anyting i watched no mopre than 40 minutes of it and couldnt go anymore, just absolutley horrible.I have learned through renting films by fangoria is a waste of money cause they all suck.Take my advice and rent by you buy cause if you spend what they want for this you will most likely be highly dissapointed. For $5 i guess it is worth the buy, well i wouldnt even buy it for $5 but if you cant find it to rent in any stopres and are that curious then the $5 makes up for having to rent but then you are stuck with this horible garbage movie you wont ever watch again."
After reading all the reviews of this, I wanted to watch it
Steven Slayton | Plaquemine, La USA | 03/13/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"But this was a huge letdown. First of all, the premise may actually be okay with a killer documenting his kills. But I thought this movie was actually going somewhere, which it wasn't. I really never saw the point. After the first 10 minutes, the 3 other people who were watching the movie with me were so bored that they asked to put another movie in. They even asked me whether The Last "Horror" Movie was supposed to be a comedy. What a complete joke. I decided to try to finish watching it, because I figured it had to get better-- but it never did.
I disagree with an earlier reviewer who said the acting was good. The acting in this movie was horrible. It seemed as though they simply pulled people who had never acted before from the street to do this. Compared to this, actors in Friday the 13th would win an Oscar.
Next, you really didn't see any of the kills. The ones you did see were not well done-- the only ones you were able to see is when someone may have been stabbed with a knife or strangled. They were rather lackluster.
If you would like to watch a good foreign horror movie, I'd say pick up a copy of the Woman in Black (England) or Ginger Snaps (Canada). But please save yourself 80 minutes and don't watch this."