With Luciola's help, Claus, Alvis and Dio escape the Guild ship while Delphine continues to hold Alex Row hostage and tortures him. Anatoray and Disith continue to wage an all-out war against the Guild and many sacrific... more »e their lives attempting to prevent Delphine from gaining complete control of the Exile. Under Sophia's orders, Claus, Lavie and Alvis fly through the Grand Stream toward the Exile to complete their final mission in this heart-pounding conclusion!« less
"Last Exile comes to a conclusion in the beauty that only great anime can create. The final battle against the Guild for Exile brings together the characters to meet what fate has dealt them and leaves us all feeling emotionally drained and teary eyed (and don't try to hide it).
The Last Exile series follows in the footstep of the truly great anime series like Macross Plus, Escaflowne and Cowboy Bebop. The combination of story, vision and human character weaves a plot all of its own that removes these anime from the screen and places them nearer the heart. Last Exile has exhibited some amazing traits, from its fantastic world, to its fully articulated characters to its apocalyptic story. This final DVD simply proves that time spent with Last Exile is not wasted time.
This final DVD (which if you all are wondering I watched in Japanese) goes far beyond a simple ending or an anti-climax. Everything a fan could desire, from massive ship battles to tragic deaths, can be found in the final episodes. The various strings of story that have until now been untied all are finished here, including the fate of Dusis and Alvis's connection to Exile. More importantly, the emotional content of this final DVD is fully worth the watching. Ancient Greeks called this sort of thing Catharsis, or the release of pent up emotion. When Last Exile runs credits, you'll simply feel better.
It is also important to note that nothing in this final DVD is terribly campy or groan inducing, a problem I have been having with many Hollywood movies these days (Alien vs Predator anyone?). As has been the case thus far production values remain high, sound is incredible and the animation is jaw dropping. Although I can say nothing of the dubbing that will accompany this release, past experience has pointed to it being fairly good. As for special features...I hope to know more when this DVD does get released. I just wanted to give fans a chance to hear that Last Exile does not disappoint on any story-based level. I highly suggest this series to any anime fan or person who tends towards imaginative entertainment."
Sesho | Pasadena, TX USA | 12/21/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"In this last volume of Last Exile we come to the end of the story, or do we? I have to admit I don't really know what happened at the end of this last installment of a great series. That happens a lot with these 26 episode animes. They suffer from 2001:A Space Odyssey syndrome in that it's not exactly clear what happens at the end.
Sealed Move is mainly about the last battles between the Guild and the combined fleets of the Anatoray and Disith as they try to overcome the tyranny of their more advanced masters. Their cause is more urgent since Queen Delphine is trying to gain control of Exile (whatever that means), because its not exactly clear what Exile really is, and what Alvis' relationship to it is. You'll have to get this dvd to see which side wins and who lives and dies.
I really enjoyed this series. At times it seemed a little too opaque on its plot points, especially in the last couple of episodes, but the great characters make up for it. And the little nuances the animators came up with...For example, when Al is sitting in the navigator's seat of Claus' vanship, she starts kicking her legs up in the air in childish impatience or hyperactivity, something a live actor would do naturally, but that animators rarely do, giving life to an animated character. That's another thing I liked about the series. The animation is so good that sometimes you forget you're watching anime. All in all, this series bears repeated viewings over a lifetime."
A lot more resolved than commonly thought
Andarcel | 01/19/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I've already said exactly why I loved Last Exile in exhaustive detail, and all the things I loved are there in the ending in even greater intensity.
There are many things left unresolved at the end of Last Exile, but they are all character relationship issues (and one or two characters' surprise return). For the rest: you are given all the necessary pieces in the course of the series, but be warned that this show assumes you will be intelligent, attentive, and enjoy working things out for yourself. If you prefer to have the solutions to the various mysteries handed to you mroe directly the ending will probably frustrate you. Look around online; a fair number of websites will help you piece it together.
The lack of closure around a lot of the sexual and romantic tension does mar the ending slightly, but otherwise it's a gorgeous capstone on a wonderful show. It is so rich that I frankly don't see how they could have stuffed any more in, and perhaps it's just as well they didn't try. As I said, it takes some unraveling - but it's worth it for an episode that packs even more punch the second time through.
I should mention, in response to a previous reviewer's spoiler: check through the postcards that came with the DVD again. And Last Exile is not based on any other "written work," so you're getting exactly what every other viewer is getting.
As for the characters and how they ultimately play out... well, Range Murata has said he's leaving the door open to a sequel. Let's hope it happens."
That was the end?
Evan Miller | Cincinnati, Ohio USA | 12/30/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Now, I LOVE this series. The animation is gorgeous, the story is great. But this ending left me cold. After all the build up, after everything leading up to this, the story really lets you down. It's like the writers just rushed it to a conclusion, any conclusion.
There's a lot left unexplained, which is typical of anime if there's any sort of print story involved. They just assume you know details from it (I'm not sure if there's a manga of Last Exile). For instance, nothing is ever really explained about Exile. The only way you'll know anything about it is to read the DVD insert with the specs of Exile.
It all started with the fate of Dio. We all knew he wouldn't come to a good end... but it was bizarre to say the least, and his actual ending seemed like it was an after thought.
And after all the fighting, suddenly Claus, Lavie, and Al fly in and save the save in about a minute and a half. After the artistry of the rest of the series, it's a shame that they marred it with an overly rushed, ambiguous ending.
The series as a whole gets 5 stars up to the last episode, which rates about a 2. This DVD on the whole gets 3... the ending is just so disappointing. I was expecting a lot from this series, and the rushed end really mars things. Although the series still ranks up there with my favorites of all time. However, what was once my favorite series, now ranks lower."
V. ereshkin | new york | 02/07/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Our story continues with Alvis and Dio being saved from Maestro Delphine by Luciola and Claus. Alex Rowe is continuing his torture sessions with Delphine in which she tries to extract the remaining mysterions in order to control exile which is a ship that turns the land of prestar into an earthlike environment. The tide is turning for our evil despot as Sophie and the head of the dossis people work together and attack the guild to finally end their reign of terror. You'll laugh, you'll cry,and be confused in certain parts but its all worthwhile. There are definately some issues with the story that were not developed enough but even so..I love the series and the finale is mindblowing...its definately checkmate for the guild."