Shockingly bad
Barbara J. Vrana | NY, NY | 10/04/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I rented this DVD in a desperate attempt to find some stand-up comedy that I haven't seen and I couldn't believe how terrible every aspect of it was. Not ONE of these comedians were funny, not in the slightest. It seemed to me that Jamie Foxx (whom I don't like much, either...he likes to rip off richard pryor) simply found a bunch of friends of his to go on stage and pretend to be comedians. Not only did none of them even make me giggle, several of them REALLY annoyed me. I found myself cursing at the television, wanting them to just shut the f*** up."
Jamie baby, what in the hell were you thinking??
DOROTHEA MATHEWS | ATLANTA, GA United States | 06/06/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"i'm sorry but this really really sucked! For a lot of reasons this really sucked! first off, the quality of stand up shows with my sweetie Jamie Foxx are downright awful. the producers who did this show needs to check their equimpment or get some new equipment because the tracking was rediculous, second, where in the hell did they get these so called "comedians?" and every word was MF this,and MF that. i know comedians curse when they do stand up but MF every second? and they are not funny. i sat in the comfort of my den and just stared at my TV not making a sound, not laughing, not moving and just shook my head in discust. i love Jamie Foxx but he hit an all time low with this. please, sweetie, if you have to do Laffapalooza, get some real comedians this time. hell, i don't care if you have to pull out Robin Williams, Whoppi Goldberg, get Cedric the entertainer get somebody but PLEASE!! DON'T GET JUST ANYBODY!! we are paying our good hard earned money for some real talent to make us laugh. not to say stupid, rediculous remarks that make us yawn. THIS REALLY SUCKED, MAN!"
There Are Better Standup DVD Out There!
J. T. Combes | Los Angeles, California | 06/29/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Save your money!! The only standouts on this DVD are Alex Thomas and Rodney Perry; but most of their material was done in previous performances. I recommend that you catch Alex in his Platinum Comedy Series: Alex Thomas - Straight Clownin'. Rodney had me cracking up but his performance was better in Cedric The Entertainer's, Starting Line Up 2. I almost busted a gut. Your money will be well spent on that DVD!"
buzzkill | fremont ca | 02/21/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"all the Laffapalooza dvds 1 2 3 & 4 are a waste of money
they could have put all 4 on one disc and sold it for 12 bucks
cuz thats about all their worth
out of all the comedians the only good one on here is not black
hes mexican and his name is Juan Villareal
sheryl underwood is a racist and annoying
these dvds are weak and have only 5 minutes of fame each"