With an impressive lineup of some of yesterday and today s hottest comedians, this collection of stand-up comedy routines is exceptionally entertaining! With over 8 Hours of comedy this compilation is an tremendously good ... more »value. Includes routines from: Bill Bellamy, Tim Allen, Ray Romano, Andrew Dice Clay, Joy Behar, Richard Jeni and dozens more! DISC 1Tim Allen, Rosie O' Donnell, Frankie Pace, Andrew Dice Clay, Bill Hicks, Mario Cantone, Joe Rogan, Rich Jeni, Joy Behar, John Mendoza, Jim Breur, Vic Dibitetto, Billy Garan, Ray Romano, Don MacArthur, Mick Lazinski, Bobby Collins, Larry Reeb, Rob Bartlett, John FoxDISC 2Brian Regan, Christopher Titus, Al Romero, Bill Bellamy, Rich Vos, Adam Ferrara, Robert Schimmell, Vic Dunlap, Dennis Wolberg, Amazing Johnathan, Tommy Blaze, John Knight, Basile Katsikis, John Joseph, Max Dolecelli, Vic Henley, Lenny Clarke, Andy Kindler, Nick DiPaolo, Kenny Rogerson« less