Sexy ninja girls!
Zack Davisson | Seattle, WA, USA | 09/11/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Take a look at the box cover. That is pretty much all you really need to know about "Lady Ninja Kasumi" ("Sanada Kunoichi Ninpo-den: Kasumi") and whether or not it is the kind of thing you are interested in. It is exactly what you are expecting, a B-movie Pink Film with a lady ninja-theme. The company that puts out this series is called Junk Films, and they have produced such other classics as "Death Penalty Female Prisoner Saori". And there you have it.
Oh, there is a story. Poor Kasumi and her little brother are orphaned, but taken in by a local warlord. Kasumi joins the kunoichi, the lady ninjas, in order to work and protect her little bother. There are some spies and intrigues, and some entirely unspectacular fight scenes. The costumes are nice, but the whole thing has a feel of being shot on digital video, and you know that this is not a high-budget production. The film is based on an erotic manga series, but I have never read that so don't know how well it holds up. Director Hiroyuki Kawasaki normally makes anime flicks like "Mouse" and "Sakura Wars", so this may have been his first time with live actors.
But if you are getting this, you are really getting it for the lovely Yonmi, not for the story. She looks great in her ninja costumes, and is appropriately bouncy for the genre. Being a Pink Film, the nudity is strictly T&A the three sex scenes are of the softcore variety. Not anywhere near a great film, but then you weren't expecting that. For what it is, it does a good job. The girls are pretty, the plot is decent, and there are far worse entries in the genre."
Black Loincloth Of Lady Ninja!
H&K | Tokyo | 06/21/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This work is not too interesting as the story that treats the lady ninja. However, Lead actress's Yommi is cool and beautiful.
And, the point that she is tightening a black loincloth is real and epoch-
making. The loincloth is a traditional undergarment of Japan, and the samurai and the ninja should wear it.
When her change of clothes and she highly kick the enemy, the black loincloth can be clearly confirmed to our eyes. And, the undergarment digs into firmly between her groins and is very sexy."
Ho Hum...
Bluefan | 07/12/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This is an "erotic" Japanese ninja movie, though the use of "erotic" is somewhat generous. Given anything below the waist is covered up over there (except for maybe the hardcore XXX stuff), all that's really left is the action, which is what you see in direct to video movies. Save your money, I wish I had."
An excellent DVD of Kasumi
Terenzu 4 America | Nor Cal | 05/16/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The three DVD of the story of Kasumi that I have seen each has a different actress play the role of Kasumi. Episode one and three are the better of the three, while number two is still a fair story line the actress is noticeable not the same woman. The number three woman may not be the same woman as in number one, but she looks close to the same."