Un joven ranchero jalisciense se va de bracero a los Estados Unidos. Las cartas que envía a su novia son interceptadas por el villano del pueblo, que también la pretende, con la autorización del padre de ell... more »a. Al no recibir noticias de su novio, la muchacha comienza a desilusionarse. El joven regresa a su pueblo y disputa unas carreras de caballos con su rival. Al final se descubren las trampas del villano con las cartas y, tras un enfrentamiento entre los rivales, los enamorados se reconcilian y anuncian su boda. In Spanish No Subtitles A young man from the state of Jalisco goes north to the U.S. to find work. The letters he sends his girlfriend are intercepted by the town villain, who wants the girl for himself, with the consent of the girl?s father. When she receives no mail from her boyfriend, the young lady becomes disillusioned. He returns home and competes against his rival in horse races. In the end, the villain?s dirty doings with the letters are found out and after a clash between the rivals; the young couple reconcile and announce that they will be married.« less