"You're one of us now," Nikita is told. But has she truly abandoned her compassionate nature and become an unquestioning member of the soulless covert organization called Section One? Or has she mastered the group's knack ... more »for deceit and cover-up so efficiently that she can beat Section at its own game? The sleek, chic and powerful adventures of the agent codenamed Josephine continue in Season Three of the intrigue-filled five-year series that stars Peta Wilson in the title role. Season three is marked by the unveiling of Michael's secret life, Nikita and Michael's romantic relationship and the further suspicion about the true nature of Section One.DVD Features:
Audio Commentary
Deleted Scenes
Featurette:"Designing Nikita" a behind the scenes look at the award winning production designer, Rocco Matteo
"La Femme Nikita was the FIRST television show to ever have a strong, intelligent female as the lead. The actors are all of the highest caliber and the plots/story lines are so engaging, you'll be hooked after just one episode. If this series had been on a major network at the time it originally aired, it would have been on MUCH longer. Alias doesn't hold a candle to this show (as a matter of fact, they steal a lot of their stories from LFN). Jennifer Garner only wishes she was as believable as Peta Wilson is in this type of role. Roy Dupuis (Michael) is also an amazing actor and is HUGE in Canada. This was a show that believed it's audience to be intelligent, but can be enjoyed by everyone. It has the right mix of romance, action, intrigue, and technical gadgets so there is something for everyone."
The reason female action series exist!!!
C. Gonzalez | Stonington, CT USA | 04/27/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I've watched La Femme Nikita since the day the show started. From the very first episode, I was hooked. Peta Wilson plays the role so well, I can't wait until she breaks out on the big screen. The only sad thing is that it had to end before it really had a chance. So, from a true fan of the show, I say everyone who likes action series should check this show out. Trust me, you won't be disappointed."
Watch Out for Madeline
Movie Mania | Southern Calfornia | 02/02/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
As we left section, Adrian tried to take over Section One but failed. Season three is the season that the show really took shape and the supporting characters came into their own.
There are 22 episodes on six discs.
Disc One -
Looking for Michael - Everyone who knew about Adrian is being killed, including Nikita who escapes her trap. Nikita is looking for Michael and finds him with a wife and child. This episode introduces George, a foe for Operations and Madeline.
Someone Else's Shadow - Michael's cover with Elena moves forward in hopes to draw out her terrorist father. Section initiates letters to Elena and her father to make contact. Elena's father sets up a meeting but does not show.
Opening Night Jitters - The Elena cover continues. Michael is to poison her to draw out her father but he cannot. But section can and does, sending Elena to the hospital. He father comes and is eliminated and so is Michael.
Gates of Hell - Michael is devastated at the loss of Elena and Adam. It is affecting his work and Nikita is worried that his fake death may become permanent. When Nikita is captured during a mission and Michael is told to withdraw, he saves her.
Disc Two -
Imitation of Death - We're back to regular episodes. Section is after a man who trains children into terrorists. Nikita is sold to them.
Love and Country - Section targets a political candidate who has dubious ties including one to Operation's first wife.
Cat and Mouse - Nikita is kidnapped by an old target and replaced with an identical "clone". Nikita is forced to help the clone or Michael will be killed. So is she helping or is she giving secret clues?
Outside the Box - A man is needed for his eidetic memory and is framed for murder. Nikita starts to wonder if she was framed for her murder. But you're going to have to wait until Season 5 to resolve Nikita's question.
Disc Three -
Slipping Into Darkness - Michael gives Operations a hallucinogen making him delusional and paranoid. Michael then takes over Section.
Under the Influence - A subject is brainwashed to believe that Nikita is his fiancé. Nikita has also been drugged to feel for the subject.
Walk on By - Nikita runs into an old neighborhood acquaintance in section and he tells her that her mother is looking for her. Nikita does whatever she must to stop her. Walter looks up an old love.
Threshold of Pain - Nikita and two operatives were captured and tortured. One gave up the location of a substation.
Disc Four -
Beyond the Pale - Michael is passed over for promotion and decides it's time to escape with Nikita. Michael is captured and tortured to locate the router and Nikita.
Hand to Hand - Nikita is to tag an agent but to do so, she must enter a white slavery ring. The thing that Nikita wasn't told was that the girls also are involved in pit fighting to the death.
Before I Sleep - When a hostile commits suicide before Section can utilize her, a duplicate is found and trained. Juliet Landau makes a guest appearance before she came to fame as Druscilla in Buffy, the Vampire Slayer.
I Remember Paris - Section is compromised and destroyed. This is the first time where they actually show a location, the Eiffel Tower. Therefore, Section was in Paris. The mission is retrieve the stolen files before anything can be decoded and Operations is taking it personal.
Disc Five -
All Good Things - Operations is off on assignment and Michael is now in charge. Michael promotes Nikita to tactical. George puts a chess game between Michael and Madeline in action.
Third Party Ripoff - Madeline has decided to penalize Michael's betrayal by ordering an end to his relationship with Nikita. Walter and Birkoff are played by a beautiful operative.
Any Means Necessary - Birkoff is sent into the field to break into a sneaker black hat crew. The question is has he been turned?
Three Eyed Turtle - Tensions between Operations and Madeline intensify. As do those between Birkoff and Hillenger, even after Birkoff covers for Hillenger. George looks to capitalize on the tensions.
Disc Six -
Playing With Fire - Operations and Madeline are not sure if Michael and Nikita have really broken up and set a trap.
On Borrowed Time - Operations and Madeline continue their quest to stop Michael and Nikita. They send them on a mission to remove Nikita and treat her. It appears to have worked. For helping them, they send Walter to "retirement".
This is a great show with Peta Wilson and Roy Dupuis bring up the heat and head a great cast. But this year Alberta Watson as Madeline found her niche. Let's talk cold and scary.
Disc One:
Commentary on Looking for Michael with director Jon Cassar and actor Eugene Robert Glaser (Operations)
Cancelled Scenes - Two scenes, one from Looking for Michael and the other from Opening Night Jitters and you choose to have commentary by Cassar and Glaser or none. (You might want to do both as they talk though both scenes.)
Disc Two:
Cancelled Scene from Love and Country with commentary by Cassar and Glaser. The
one thing this scene does is gives Operations' real name, Paul.
Disc Three:
Cancelled Scenes - Five scenes from three episodes with or without (your choice) commentary by Cassar and Glaser.
Disc Four:
Cancelled Scene from Beyond the Pale with (or without) commentary by Cassar and Glaser.
Disc Five:
Cancelled Scene from Three Eyed Turtle with (or without) commentary by Cassar and Glaser.
Disc Six:
Commentary for On Borrowed Time with writer Peter Lenkov and Operations Eugene Robert Glazer.
Designing Nikita - Nine minute featurette on the production design.
Gag Reel - Three minutes of gaffs and goofs."
Best Season of La Femme Nikita
Julie Lane | Georgia | 05/06/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"In my opinion, this is the best of all 5 seasons. All the characters have been fully developed. In Season 1 and part of Season 2, it seemed a bit like they weren't in these characters as well as later. Plus, it starts off with an incredibly emotional start. Major insight into the character of Michael, finally some of the intense emotion we all knew he had under the layers he hides under. What more can I say?"
One of the Best Series EVER
Mena Dahn "Will" | Hanau, Germany | 05/03/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I faitfully watch Nikita when I was in high school and when I went to college, I schedule my studies around Nikita. I made sure regardless what I was doing, I made it home to watch it. Peta and her supporting cast are awesome and I don't know why the series got cancel but I do know that I can't wait for this season to come and the rest of the seasons. I caught a case of the a$$ last year when WB change the release date on season 2, hope it doesn't happen with this one. But for those that like Alais, you'll love Nikita. I have a friend hook on it because she loves Alais and didn't think she would like it but changed her mind after the 1st season. So give it a try"