Unresolved romances and a long-simmering film project finally bear fruit in the sixth season of The L Word®. Dreams come true and new life paths are forged for many of the series' characters this year, but not without... more » the The L Word's trademark provocative storylines, sizzling sexuality, and heart-rending emotion.« less
""The L Word" has been my guilty pleasure television show for a numbers of years now. I honestly have no idea what originally brought me to the series, nor can I think of any particular moment when it became appointment television, but eventually its hooks got sunk into me and I was lost. I thought it was a beautifully written, shot and acted series with plenty of drama (but never overtly over the time) and a very very talented cast.
Despite this, I was shocked with how downright awful the final season of the series is. The final season (which the writers were given an entire year to write and shot), is composed of an 8-episode mystery of *SPOILER* Who Killed Jenny, with the first act of the season establishing the arc and the remained of the season played in flashbacks leading up to the big moment. Yet, the writers never say who killed her, leaving the story wide open. That's right, a 6 year series with a definite finale ended on a cliff-hanger, in a very anticlimatic episode, and honestly painful to watch episode.
Beyond that this season every character did something or revealed something ridiculously out of character that just kept changing the entire dynamic of the series, and not in a good way. After watching this on showtime, I'm pretending the series ended with season 5."
Spoiler alert ... or just a spoiler itself?
Erica | Southeastern Michigan | 03/10/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I am still digesting the finale, which I watched two days ago with a big group of friends and many other people around the world. I think I heard screams of unfulfillment across the land when the credits started rolling after its "Soprano's like" ending. All I can ask is...why? Why would they end it like that? Not only do I think they should have told us who killed Jenny, but dang it, I wanted to see Jenny confronted about many things she had done up to that point. She had this crusade about "everybody needs to be truthful", therefore ruining their lives... but it came crashing down with Shane finding the letter and movie reels. ugh. I am just very ticked off and therefore cannot give a decent rating to this SHORT as it was final season. Very disappointing.
Since that night, I've been all over the internet in search of who killed jenny. Showtime is currently showing "Interrogation Tapes" that supposedly give more insight to the killing. Through imdb.com and E! Online, I've learned that Alice has a spin off called The Farm, where it says she gets convicted of Jenny's murder and sent off to prison. E! mentioned rumor of a movie to finish things off. Now this is all fine and dandy, but just boils me more that I want to know NOW... and the show, being the first of its kind...just should have been a better show in its final season."
A waste of airtime
A. J. Ramos | 04/21/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Ok...where do i start? Well the 6th season of the l word i think was a HUGE waste of time. Not only did they spend too much time on characters that weren't going anywhere as far as storyline. And they didnt spend enough time finishing up the story lines with great characters (ie. Bette and Tina.) which were probably the only characters in the end that you could take seriously. I found myself wanting to fast forward too many parts through out this season that were just a waste of airtime. *spoiler* I dont believe anyone killed Jenny. If you watched the series from the beginning, its just not in any of the girls to kill anyone. It would be sooo out of character.*
As far as the characters this season, they felt rushed, no depth anymore, no wedding,no really good cameos, nothing.
Alice: Funny as usual, great character.
Shane: Apparently she went insane this season and decided to date jenny and not believe any of her friends.
Kit: No depth to her character anymore, just a few "kittisms".
Helena: WHY was she in this season! wasnt she a strong working woman at
the very beginning? they turned her into a character with no point.
Max: IC turned Max into a joke this season. No depth to the character. once again, rushed.
Bette: Still the same strong character from season 1, she's actually grown as a person and she shows it in season 6. great job with her.
Tina: More of a stronger person this season. Her scenes with Bette makes the whole season 6 more interesting.
Tasha: umm what can i say. *Spoiler* the friend threesome thing was a very bad story line. IC trying to bring drama into places it shouldnt be. Why cant these characters just be happy?
Jenny: soooo Rushed. Season 6 made Jenny look like she really went crazy. We all knew she was a little off. But she just turned out to be a Snob,whiny, and sometimes acted like a 5 yr old.
*spoiler* Nothing was answered in season 6. Every character was left in the dark about something. And this show did not end with a bang like it should have. season 1-5 are great! but season 6 was just a waste of airtime and a lot of disapointment. I'll buy it to complete my collection but it definitely is NOT going to be opened or watched.
Mochamantis | KS | 03/30/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"It's so disgusting that I'm having trouble writing how disgusted and POORLY the last season was written. The big exec's must have really said "end it now" for the producer to do such a crappy job. She must know that we won't forget what she did if she puts out a movie or attempt another series. Such a disservice to the actors who took a chance on the series and to leave in that fashion........ ARGH! poor....very poor. Actually I thought the series really took a dive after season 4. I got bored with the season 5 jenny's movie thing. It showed true L word fashion in the last 2-3 episodes. I'm really having a hard time justifying buying season 5 and 6....except to show how it went down hill fast. I would like to know the REAL reason they ended the series....drama perhaps!?"
Worst season and possibly the worst series finale in TV hist
L. Immler | Arlington, VA USA | 06/06/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Jenny dies in the final episode but questions such as who killed Jenny and how did Jenny die are never answered. That's only the beginning of the final season's many letdowns. The truth is, I hated everything about this season. With only 8 X 1 hour episodes, there was no time to waste; but this is exactly what happens. The majority of the storylines from this season come across as tedious, pointless and cumbersome. Also, I could have done without the 2 added characters, Kelly and Helena's ex-girlfriend Dylan. Both were annoying and their scenes felt like wasted airtime to me. There were too many plot holes and the writing came across as clumsy and amatuerish. IMO, the real killer is Ilene Chaiken. Ilene killed Jenny and the series. We later learned the idea behind Jenny's death was so there could be a spin-off, "The Farm" with Leisha Haily who played Alice from the show. The premise of the spin-off was that Alice goes to prison for killing Jenny. Well with no spin-off, what are the fans left with? A huge mess of what used to to be one of cable TV's greatest guilty pleasures. The final season was so bad it leaves a bad lasting impression of the series. It certainly outraged and disappointed many of the show's fans. Shame on you Ilene."