Billy Chong is great in this horror-Fu flik
Erik James | Orono, Me USA | 10/07/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Billy Chong Shows off why he was one of the best old school Kung fu stars of the 70's-80's.A story line that comes off as a horror comedy actually showcases some amazing fight scenes, and action. The film has some big names , and some faces you'll surely recognize if your an old school fan. Billy Chong and the Villian Moon are amazing in the end fight, and throughout the film showcase some real talent. Not the best old school film around, but one you should have. It's called KUNG FU ZOMBIE, and it stars Billy Chong."
Split on how to rate this film
Christopher J. Deasy | Depends on the time of year | 08/12/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I am trying to rate this film fairly, so I will admit that its more of a 3.5 than a 3. If you you like horror-fu you will definitely enjoy this quality movie. If you prefer your kung fu to horror, you may be a bit disappointed. While the entire movie was high quality, the ending kind of spoiled it... not that it was bad (and this is where my bias comes in) but there were too many wire tricks when it was uncalled for. The kung fu was otherwise above average and the storyline wasn't bad either.
Quality (image) was above average and acting was surprisingly good.
In the end, when I am split on a review I always opt for the "Would I watch it again?" test... the answer is YES."
Barely but it deserves it's 4 stars
morgoth | omaha, NE | 03/27/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"So most people do not know a whole lot about Billy Chong. Somebody who is more popular, though not too well known, alexander Lo rei is a good person to compare him with. he has starred in such films as shaolin vs. lama, shaolin against lama(seriously, these are different movies, and one is better than the other), and NINJA DEATH. Now hopefully you know who I am talking about becuase Billy Chong is WAY better than lo rei. Billy Chong is actually right up there with ANY of the greats. In my opinion there is only a fw people who seriously stand out in kungug ciname history. I will go over a brief list here to so sorry for leaving many out. Hwang Jang Lee, Jack Long, whang-in sik and bruce. These guys are all EXTREMELY HIGHLY TRAINED in martial arts, I mean Hwang Lee and Whang-in sik are grandmasters in real life, not just bad asses that have out of this world control of their legs on screen. Now as far as actors go I would say some great ones are Ku Feng, Chen Kwan Tai(who is a world renowned martial artist also), Master in young master and chinese connection, and Jason Pai Pao might be my favorite. So Billy Chong might not be in the class of those guys, but if I had to rate Billy Chong out of 10 he would be like a 8.5, and I would say that the person he is somewhat of a clone of Jackie Chan rates about an 8.6 as a martial artist. Now Billy may not have had quite the flexibility of jackie ut was way bigger than him and IS EVERY BIT JUST AS GOOD OF A FIGHTER.
So sorry I had to get that out of the way, but I hate the fact that guys like Alexander Lo rei and billy freaking chong get absolutely no respect when compared to guys like jackie. It truly is a shame.
So anyway this is a movie about a guy who is really tough so everybody wants a piece of him including this one guy who hires like a priest of some sort and can call the deads souls to go into other bodies. So he FInally gets into a body after he challenges billy and dies. But the main highlights of this movie are 2 things for me.
1.) That scene where the guy was thought to be dead and when somebody opens up his coffin he comes out and goes straight for billy's house to challenge him. I told you that everybody wamts a piece of him. SO ANYWAY THEY HAVE ONE OF THE TOP 100 FIGHTS IN MOVIE HISTORY. Now I'm sure you have seen movies like iron monkey 2, I said part 2 people, than you know that some directors like to speed the camera up about 20-30 times faster than what it actually goes, and if you have not seen any like this you are saying, dude that sounds like it would suck, I like to see Hwang Lee's legs in slow-motion, not sped up, well you are right if you are talking about IM 2, but this movie does it absolutely perfectly. The fights are so frenetic yet much more real looking than most movies you see. If you have seen movies like secret rivals and liked that then you will like this because this scene I am talking about rivals a lot of fight scenes in that movie BUT GIVES YOU EVEN MORE OF A SENSE OF THAT HARD HITTING STYLE THAT NG-SEE YUEN BROUGHT TO THE TABLE. I MEAN YOU WILL SERIOUSLY BE HURTING AFTER THIS MOVIE HAVING BAD DREAMS OF HOW HARD THESE PEOPLE ARE HITTING EACHOTHER. And when this guy actually comes back as like a vampire or something, WATCH THE HELL OUT FOR THIS AND STRAP ON YOUR SEATBELT.
2.) Almost forgot I had another favorite element of this movie -THE DAD, I TOLD YOU THAT THIS IS A MOVIE ABOUT A GUY WHO IS REALLY TOUGH AND THERE IS A REASON for THAT, HIS DAD IS A FREAKING [...] AND KICKS THE [...] OUT OF HIS SON MORE THAN ANYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW, so whenever I go off on the keyboard like that I usually forget to tell you guys AND GALS about the dvd quality. I don't have the blackbelt version shown but do have a really crappy version, and since I know blackbelt volume whatever the hell they are calling it I definitely know you will not get that great of a picture. The dvd I have has Fistful of Talons on the other side which is pretty good and comes part of the super kung fu(I think) box set. It's one of those videoasia insta-action sets. So the sound is alway varying and the picture is kinda bad, and don't expect to read very many of the subtitles, BUT IF YOU ARE PRONED TO SEIZURE THEN YOU HAD BETTER STAY [...]AWAY FROM THIS MOVIE BECAUSE YOU MAY NOT LET OUT A BREATH THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THIS FINE FILM."