Transform your body and your life! Experience fun fitness that you will always love to do. Live with HIGH ENERGY! Here is the best of both worlds: Kundalini Yoga's depth and high energy, with a complete total body wor... more »kout, challenging, yet easy-to-follow cardio (with AMAZING MUSIC), and a high fun factor! The Matrix menu option helps you to customize your workout based on the time you have. From the beginning yogi to expert, this DVD will be your workout companion for life and will keep you energized and happy! Ana & Ravi present a system of inspired fitness which helps people to transform their lives. They are authors of 17 DVD workouts as well as a forthcoming book. These A List & Teachers are known for their cutting edge presentations and the ability to make their DVD's accessible to all fitness levels. Their clients have included Olympic Athletes, Professional Sports Teams, and celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Madonna, Sting, and The Red Hot Chile Peppers. Discover why Ana & Ravi's DVD's are always on Amazon's best-selling list and why their growing fan base would rather forego their morning cup of coffee that do without their Breath of Fire!« less