"Okay, let me just start off by stating that this is the first music DVD I have ever bought. I didn't really know what to expect at first, but what I found blew me away.This is the definative KoRn DVD. It has everything you would want on the band, from the obvious (music videos, concert footage) to the...not so obvious ...The whole thing takes place inside an old Asylum, filled with disturbing imagry. The concept is pretty cool. The two main features are the original VHS release "Who Then Now" and the new documentary, "Deuce". You have to paw around to find the Deuce menu, but it's on the screen that also handels the settings.Beyond that, you can prowl the Asylum and find TONES of footage, from behind the scenes documentarys, to gag footage, to Feildy singing his own rendition of B.B.K.The one problem I have with this disc is that NOTHING in the Asylum is labeled. Nothing. This makes it all very confusing to navigate and find what you want. Additionally, I would not recommend this DVD to parents buying it for their kids, because of the VERY disturbing imagry of the Asylum (decapitated animal heads, a person in an electric chair, wailing voices, all kinds of gruesom stuff.)One last thing: KoRn should have waited a month or so before releasing this, so that they could have included content from their new album, "Untouchables."All in all, a great effort, KoRn. Not many DVD's come out like this."
A Must Have for Big Fans
Gunther Haagendazs | Up High in the Trees | 06/06/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"If you love or loved Korn, then how can you not get this? Absolutely shoved to the brim with content up until the date of the release, there is a lot of insight of what made Korn to be Korn. We have the two documentaries, the Who then Now and the Deuce Videos that show plenty of history. Both are really cool and interesting to see. The major problem though is the DVD setup. Nothing is titled, we have a cool and elaborate maze to go through constantly and sometimes you might miss stuff. Nothing is labeled!!! Nothing, Nada, Zip. Only with a big X when you highlight it. I can understand that it's supposed to be a maze as it looked like you broke out of an asylum and there are "dead bodies everywhere", and the guy who made it deserves credit, but when there's so much stuff, it's very irritating if you can't remember where things are. That's the only major complaint.
The other thing is that there are no complete songs, only bits and pieces. Although we have "all the music videos", for some reason Clown is still edited (as is the Make me Bad remix video) and the live video of Good God that was on the original pressing of Life is Peachy is not here either. There is also a super rare video of No place to Hide that was never officially released. (Check out www.thereeper.com) But still, the fact remains that there is plenty of footage for Korn fans. My personal favorite has to be when Jon Davis is screaming Kill You in the studio; it's just absolutely insane to watch. There are also a variety of Easter eggs in the DVD ranging from Ghosts, band history bios more short videos and even an early live version of the X Mas song. Look them up online and you'll have no problem finding how to access them. My personal favorite is when Monkey tries to bash the TV from the follow the leader CD sleeve and he ends up hurting himself VERY badly.
Well if you consider yourself to be a big Korn fan or even a former Korn fan, you need to pick this up as these videos were during their prime. Let's face it, by the looks of it, Korn isn't doing too well now, but with this we can look back and remember when Korn meant something spectacular. If you can get past the annoying menu setup, then you will really get to enjoy this."
5 stars for the content (if you can find it), 1 star for nav
Stevo | Raymore, Missouri USA | 09/30/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Korn's 1996/7 "Who then Now" VHS release actually snapped in my VCR from too much play. However, I don't need to worry about that with this DVD, which includes the entire "WTN" feature along with another new, equally long doc, filmed in 2000 or so.
Both "Who then Now" and the "Deuce" programs consist of no narrator, just shots of each band member explaining the history of Korn. Behind the Music it's not, but it's just as good. "Who then Now" is infamous with Korn fans for all the crazy drunken antics of the band members and footage of Jonathan recording "Kill You". It's a interesting look at before things got big with MTV in 1998.
"Deuce" was filmed sometimes in late 1999 or 2000, and while it's good to watch, it's more music/history driven, although there are still many drunken fun times. Jonathan seems to have a cold in his snippets, but it isn't a big deal.
There is TONS of extra footage........if you can find it. What really hurts this DVD is it's layout. Korn buddy Nathan "Karma" Cox "directed" this DVD, and I assume he is responsible for the "Asylum" menu system. Basically, you are in a horror film mental hospital, with blood and guts everywhere. You can click on various items (for instance, clicking on the tricycle will take you to the "Who Then Now" feature) and go through various doors, holes in the wall, stuff like that. However.....
The major problem with all of this is how time consuming and difficult it is to find anything. That, and the "Asylum" is much too large, with too many rooms. What should have happened was there should have been about 3 different "rooms" with easy to find-and-click links to footage. Instead, you have to navigate your way through this gigantic virtual hospital, looking for something, ANYTHING, to click on. To make matters worse, you can click on something and be sent BACK where you came from, or NOTHING HAPPENS. Or, you click, and get some lame 10 second snippet about Jonathan climbing, and you get pissed that you just spent 5 minutes for 10 seconds of footage.
Did I mention that there is NO CHEAT SHEET, OR GUIDE TO HELP YOU?
Now, I have seen everything, and there is probably about 20 minutes of extra footage scattered about, and many segments are quite good. The one about Jonathan's alcoholism is probably the best. But it seems that they became overly obsessed with creating some kind of artistic, sadistic, creepy DVD experience, and it backfired. BIG TIME.
There are ways to get around going all over the place looking for stuff, but I'll leave that up to you.
This disc is worth it for the 2 features (which are both on the first screen after the DVD loads), but be prepared to be frustrated trying to find all the other stuff, unless you can get around it somehow."
Their best yet!
B. Singer | New Jersey | 09/17/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Korn DVD "Deuce" is the most informative peice of Korn merchandise available to this date! A lot of these people are griping because it's a maze. So what? If you need to know where every chapter is, look it up on the internet! Their are plenty of Korn websites that have the DVD walk-throughs.
Aside from the easy to find chapters, I think it is really cool how they put ghosts in two of the rooms and also the X-Ray Room and Korn TV Retrospect are awesome too.
If you don't feel like purchasing the DVD due to other's complaints about the maze (which isn't hard to navigate at all...I could do it with my eyes closed!), pick up the VHS, both are packed with never-before-seen footage!"
tainted | Druggy State, CA | 04/07/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"No, I'm kidding. I'm not lost. I was for awhile though....Okay, by religeon I will always give Korn five stars, and I would have anyway. It's a great DVD with tons of footage and all their videos excluding their latest two albums (Untouchables, Take a look in the Mirror). It's a bit confusing. The DVD menu's are set in a sort of mortuary called The Asylum. Blood soaked floors, bodies, and odd objects surround this scene. It has many rooms and little things you can pick on. For instance, a bicycle is the "Who, Then, Now" vhs thing, a TV comes forward to show a remix video, and a similar TV shows all their videos. None of the items have anything in common with what is shown and there is no lables. I do not suggest this to kind-of KoRn fans...as one person said, I think only semi-hardcore fans should get it. Definitely have a controller when you watch it or it gets annoying getting up and down. Most of the scenes are only about two minutes long describing certain things about the band or certain times they had, etc. It's kind of creepy and very confusing, but just keep watching it and your able to navigate normally after a few times through. Definitely something worth getting, tons of footage (live stuffs, videos, more stuffs, more stuffs, alot more stuffs). Navigating through this thing becomes addicting and takes up half the time...very fun stuff.. yeps."